NOTICE: This project has been archived (2024-01-25).
Port of Sublime's Mariana Theme for Neovim for short attention span devs with Tree-sitter support.
name | hex | name | hex |
fg1 | fg2 | ||
fg3 | fg4 | ||
bg1 | selection_bg | ||
bg2 | bg3 | ||
diff_text | diff_change | ||
diff_remove | text_fg | ||
yellow1 | yellow2 | ||
yellow3 | green | ||
magenta | orange | ||
red1 | red2 | ||
blue1 | blue2 | ||
cyan1 | cyan2 |
NVIM v0.10.0-dev
.- nvim-treesitter: For better syntax highlighting.
Plug it with your favorite plugin manager.
use { 'kaiuri/nvim-juliana',
config = function()
require 'nvim-juliana'.setup { --[=[ configuration --]=] }
--- then
vim.cmd 'colo juliana'
lazy = false,
opts = { --[=[ configuration --]=] },
config = true,
colors = {
bg1 = '#444e59',
bg2 = '#303841',
bg3 = '#2e353e',
blue1 = '#95b2d6',
blue2 = '#5c99d6',
cyan1 = '#87c7c7',
cyan2 = '#5fb4b4',
diff_add = '#41525a',
diff_change = '#585249',
diff_remove = '#4f434a',
diff_text = '#373f48',
fg1 = '#ffffff',
fg2 = '#d8dee9',
fg3 = '#a6acb9',
fg4 = '#46525c',
green = '#99c794',
magenta = '#c695c6',
orange = '#f97b58',
red1 = '#c76b70',
red2 = '#ec5f66',
selection_bg = '#3f4750',
text_fg = '#d9d9d9',
yellow1 = '#fac761',
yellow2 = '#f9ae58',
yellow3 = '#ee932b',
To get the theme's palette, you can use the colors()
You can also set it to use other palettes like, for example:
---@generic K: "light" | "dark"
---@param mode K
local gruvbox = function(mode)
---@param tbl table<`K`, string>
---@return string
local function pick(tbl)
return tbl[mode]
return {
bg1 = pick { light = '#fff7d5', dark = '#32302e' },
bg2 = pick { light = '#fff5cb', dark = '#282828' },
bg3 = pick { light = '#fff2bc', dark = '#242424' },
blue1 = pick { light = '#076578', dark = '#83a598' },
blue2 = pick { light = '#074f78', dark = '#458588' },
cyan1 = pick { light = '#689d69', dark = '#8ec07c' },
cyan2 = pick { light = '#23693e', dark = '#689d6a' },
diff_add = pick { light = '#c7d4c4', dark = '#343427' },
diff_change = pick { light = '#eadba9', dark = '#3e3428' },
diff_remove = pick { light = '#eac4a9', dark = '#3c2828' },
diff_text = pick { light = '#ffe789', dark = '#32302e' },
fg1 = pick { light = '#282828', dark = '#fff5cb' },
fg2 = pick { light = '#353535', dark = '#ebdbb2' },
fg3 = pick { light = '#797467', dark = '#928374' },
fg4 = pick { light = '#938e80', dark = '#665c54' },
green = pick { light = '#228b22', dark = '#a8a920' },
magenta = pick { light = '#8f3f71', dark = '#c2748f' },
orange = pick { light = '#f71d05', dark = '#fb4834' },
red1 = pick { light = '#cc241d', dark = '#d44333' },
red2 = pick { light = '#9d0006', dark = '#cc231d' },
selection_bg = pick { light = '#ffeda3', dark = '#423d39' },
text_fg = pick { light = '#282828', dark = '#eadbb5' },
yellow1 = pick { light = '#cba200', dark = '#fabd2f' },
yellow2 = pick { light = '#ab7b1a', dark = '#e8ab28' },
yellow3 = pick { light = '#996814', dark = '#d79a21' },
require('nvim-juliana').setup (
{ colors = gruvbox('dark') }
vim.cmd.colorscheme 'juliana'

provides some statusline highlight groups:Highlight Group Color StatusBlack
Alacritty: There's a theme for Alacritty available at extras.
- If any language is being poorly supported, please make a new issue attached with an image of how that language looks on Sublime-Text.
- If a plugin you use isn't rightly supported, please, make a new issue attached with a link to said plugin and I'll do my best to support it.
- Issues that have been inactive for more than 10 days are considered stale and will be closed if they aren't bug related.
- Use the Conventional Commits style for your commits, that's it.
- Mariana - Sublime HQ Pty Ltd, Dmitri Voronianski.
- Todd Wolfson for the initial palette.