Raspberry Pi is the interface between the internet and the low level hardware for a model railroad project
communication via SPI
connected Pins:
Raspberry Pi | | RF12 ------------: |:-----:| :--- 3.3V | ----> | VDD GPIO 24 | <---- | NIRQ MOSI | ----> | SDI GND | ----> | GND MISO | <---- | SDO CLK | ----> | SCK CE0 | ----> | nSEL
cd /to/Project/root
Goal: a self-made model railroad which can be controlled via a PC
- Train components and casings are 3D printed
- PCB self-made
- Central Raspberry Pi connected to WIFI
- Communication from RPi-central to the signal-towers via RF12 chip TRX433S
- MySQL database hosted on Raspberry Pi
- Signal towers are controlled by an ATmega8 which is connected with a RF12 chip (see signaltower project)
- Another Raspberry Pi with a camera module is in every train which is connected via a 3G dongle to the internet (see RPi-train project)
Credits to Jean-Claude Wippler and his RF12 Library for Arduino
- We used his library as a reference and applied it to the Raspberry Pi.