TinyTDS - Simple and fast FreeTDS bindings for Ruby using DB-Library.
Select with autocomplete, slots, bootstrap and material design themes.
A Vue.js Sidebar Menu Component
🖱️ Vue directive to keep things scrolled to the bottom.
Use ARKit to find, and visualize horizontal and vertical planes.
Modify your native iOS app in real time.
RailsAdmin is a Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data
An in-app debugging and exploration tool for iOS
OpenSim is an open source alternative to SimPholders, written in Swift.
Replace NPM install's progress bar with a GIF!
Bash, Zsh and fish completion support for git-flow.
Android library project that lets you manage the location updates to be as painless as possible
The Mailbox-like Swipe gesture library for Android
😍 A beautiful, fluid, and extensible dialogs API for Kotlin & Android.
Small library that wraps Google Play Service API in brilliant RxJava Observables reducing boilerplate to minimum.
From Java To Kotlin - Your Cheat Sheet For Java To Kotlin
Integrates the Twitter Bootstrap pagination component with will_paginate
A custom Android View for drawing smooth signatures
A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.
The cool DCIntrospect Debug Tool ARC ready
This codegenerator is too brilliant to be real!
Intelligent iOS permissions UI and unified API
Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS
Notify users when a new version of your app is available and prompt them to upgrade.
Apple Push Notifications; No Dirigible Required
Convenient & secure logging during development & release in Swift 4 & 5