This is the backend for a Hotel mobile app fueled by IoT. The backend provides connectivity to IoT sensors, the hotel reservation database and a node application that serves a mobile app, and web app dashboard.
You can learn more about it here:
- Clone, or fork the repo
- From the repo directory - type npm install ( to install node dependencies )
- You'll need a mongo database. I use, which is lovely to work with
- create a 'config' folder
- in the config folder place the following config.js file for the database config
module.exports = {
'url': 'mongodb://<username>:<password>'
- add a Watson IoT service pack to your Bluemix app *
- in the config folder place the following iot.js file for the iot config
module.exports = {
"org": "<unique org id>",
// ID has to be unique,
"auth-method": "apikey",
"auth-key": "<unique key>",
"auth-token": "<unique token>"
- You can learn more about this here:
The app uses an Intel NUC:
and an Arduino 101 board:
and Grove sensors:
More to come!