TypeScript decorator to conditionally trace method calls via https://github.com/visionmedia/debug
Below is a simple usage scenario for the TraceClass
decorator. The configuration options are not yet documented
but you can find them in lib/index.ts
import {TraceClass} from "typescript-debug";
@TraceClass({ tracePrefix: "example" })
class TraceExample {
constructor(public abc: string) { }
public getAbc() {
return this.abc;
public combineWithAbc(xyz: string) {
return this.getAbc() + " and " + xyz;
let te = new TraceExample("ABC");
blake@ignignokt:~/example$ tsc --module commonjs --target es5 --experimentalDecorators trace-example.ts
blake@ignignokt:~/example$ DEBUG=\* node trace-example.js
example:TraceExample new(ABC) +0ms
example:TraceExample combineWithAbc(XYZ) +4ms
example:TraceExample getAbc() +3ms
example:TraceExample getAbc: ABC +0ms
example:TraceExample combineWithAbc: ABC and XYZ +0ms
Note that the output is normally colorized in your console by