This repository includes source code for HTML ad templates created by Kaldor Group.
Our ad templates are designed and built to be 100% responsive and work across all platforms and devices. We support image based ad institials with the ability to add a link. The link is wrapped around the entire image however we plan to consider support for a template that allows more dynamic placement of the link area.
We provide three template options:
- multiple-images
- single-image - fit height (default with letterboxing / no scroll)
- single-image - fit width (scroll)
Our multiple images template expects four image assets to best target all devices and orientations. Our single image templates can be used if only a single ad creative is supplied.
For ad images in our multiple-images template we have specified dimensions below targeted for Apple iPhone and iPad devices. These are normally considered hero devices for ad creatives. On any other device or screen size including Android, Windows or Web the image will scale and letterbox appropriately.
- ‘tablet-landscape’ now referred as ‘large-landscape’ - 4:3 aspect ratio / 2048 x 1536
- ‘tablet-portrait’ now referred as ‘large-portrait’ - 3:4 aspect ratio / 1536 x 2048 or 768
- ‘phone-landscape’ now referred as ‘small-landscape’ - 16:9 aspect ratio / 1136 x 640
- ‘phone-portrait’ now referred as ‘small-portrait’ - 9:16 aspect ratio / 640 x 1136
Every image above should have a 128px top unsafe zone to avoid important elements of the ad hidden by the iOS toolbar (which has some transparency).
These unsafe zones are only relevant when the image is shown at actual size. If the safe zones can’t be adhered in the ad creative then you can do the following:
- Open index.html and change: body { padding-top: 0; } to body { padding-top: 64; } (line 13)
- Crop and adjust the image dimensions to account for the padding-top. We have provided image examples in alternative-assets/revised-for-64px-toolbar
This isn’t ideal however because top-padding will display across all devices including Android when it isn’t necessary.
For our single image ad template the image can be any size and aspect ratio. You can choose if you want this to fit the device height at all times so no scroll to view (this is the default index.html file) or the other option is to choose the fit width (use fit-width.html rename to index.html) which scales image to fit the device width creating a scrollable page. This keeps the artwork and content quite large and the insitital is more similar to your other page layouts in an edition.
If you want to use .jpgs over .pngs you will need to change image paths references in the following places:
- assets.manifest
- index.html
- style.css
Your ad should have a cache manifest file.
- Download github .zip here -
- Unzip folder and choose 'single-image' or 'multiple-image' folder dependant on ad assets provided.
For single-image:
- Save advert asset for web (optimised png or jpg file 1536px maximum)
- Rename asset to the image name used in 'single-image' folder e.g image.png (note the extension should match .jpg or .png) replace in the folder*
- Open the index.html file with a text editor like Sublime (
- Edit line 22 <a href="" class="link"> - remove the line (including the closing </a> tag on line 24) or insert an appropriate URL (this will open when user taps on ad image)
- Optional Open the style.css file in sublime and change body background colour (line 25) if you want to change it from white to something more suited to your advertorial image e.g black.
- save the changes, close the files and zip up the folder
The process is the same for multiple images except it should be done in the multiple-images folder and it should contain 4 images instead of 1.
In Wordpress:
- log into your wordpress cms > select Ad Bundles and create new - give it a title, upload the zip, tag to an edition save and preview
- edit the edition and drag the advert placement to preferred order
In Drupal:
- log into your drupal cms > select content > Add content > Ad Package - give it a title, upload the zip, tag to an edition save and preview
- edit the edition and drag the advert placement to preferred order
* Note: If you want to use a If you want to use .jpgs over .pngs you will need to change image paths references in the following files:
- assets.manifest
- index.html
- style.css