🚀🚀🚀A faster, better and more stable Redis desktop manager [GUI client], compatible with Linux, Windows, Mac.
Native port of Redis for Windows. Redis is an in-memory database that persists on disk. The data model is key-value, but many different kind of values are supported: Strings, Lists, Sets, Sorted Se…
ASRock DeskMini H470 Hackintosh OpenCore EFI
Zabbix Community Templates repository
IPTV直播源抓取 自动整合hao趣网直播源+TVBox直播源+其他网上直播源 择取分辨率、速度最佳视频流 定期更新
PHP extension to get insight about memory usage
Hackintosh EFI for Asrock Deskmini H470 with 10th Intel CPU
✂️ Generates an image from a DOM node using HTML5 canvas and SVG.
A Clash GUI based on tauri. Supports Windows, macOS and Linux.
集 MySQL监控项采集、备份、巡检、日志分析、自动故障解决于一身的python工具包
Run almost any PHP app faster and asynchronously with Workerman, without touch 1 line of code in your fw or app. Also use it as Serverless.
larke-admin 是一套使用 Laravel 、JWT 和 RBAC 鉴权的前后端分离的通用后台管理系统。/ An admin api system with Laravel, JWT and RBAC.
🕷️ The progressive PHP crawler framework! 优雅的渐进式PHP采集框架。
a list of disposable and temporary email address domains
Probably the fastest PHP web framework in the world.
An open-source UI-first Identity and Access Management (IAM) / Single-Sign-On (SSO) platform with web UI supporting OAuth 2.0, OIDC, SAML, CAS, LDAP, SCIM, WebAuthn, TOTP, MFA, Face ID, RADIUS, Goo…
🔥 基于 Laravel 的后台系统构建工具 (Laravel Admin),使用很少的代码快速构建一个功能完善的高颜值后台系统,内置丰富的后台常用组件,开箱即用,让开发者告别冗杂的HTML代码
✅ A Go library for email verification without sending any emails.