Applied Data Science course - COMP-3122
Python Data Science Handbook: Essential Tools for Working with Data (by Jake VanderPlas)
- Read online
- GitHub repository:
- Data analysis with Pandas - playlist about Pandas by Kevin Markham
- Master Machine Learning with scikit-learn - playlist about scikit-learn by Kevin Markham
- JupyterLite - a version of Jupyter that runs entirely in the browser
- Git and GitHub
- Git and GitHub Tutorial by Kevin Stratvert - video on YouTube
- Git & GitHub for Poets - YouTube playlist - a longer tutorial
- Creating a Python virtual environment in command line - 1-Introduction/
- Creating a Python virtual environment in VSCode UI - video
- Creating a Python environment on GBLearn - pdf
- Python Quick Reference (ipynb)
- Pandas Cheatsheet (pdf)
- r/learnpython - Reddit community for Python learners
- Making data mean more through storytelling | Ben Wellington | TEDxBroadway