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Universal REST Simulator is a universal simulator for REST APIs. This simulator can be configured by adding some configuration files into the config directory. Universal REST Simulator can read all files with the extension .

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Universal REST Simulator


Universal REST Simulator is a universal simulator for REST APIs. This simulator can be configured by adding some configuration files into the config directory. Universal REST Simulator can read all file extensions.

The configuration is similar to the this file. If the configuration value is more than one line, then the value in the line other than the last must end with \ (backslash).

The tutorial can be read at



The PARSING_RULE property above consists of 4 lines. If the \ character is omitted, then PARSING_RULE has no value. If the \ in line 2 is omitted it becomes as follows:


then PARSING_RULE only consists of 2 lines, namely:


Because after the line loses \ at the end, the simulator will not continue reading the data. This configuration method applies to all properties.


Property: PATH

Universal REST Simulator will select the configuration according to the path which is accessed by the same method as the request method. For example: user creates 7 configuration files, Universal REST Simulator will select one file with appropriate path. After getting a file with the appropriate path and method, the simulator will stop looking for other files.

Example configuration file structure:


root is the document root of the simulator config is a directory under document root The files config1.txt, config2.txt, config3.txt are in the config directory.

If the PATH in the config1.txt file is /biller/config1, then the file will be selected only if the path in the request URL is /biller/config1. If the PATH in the config2.txt file is /bank/config2, then the file will be selected only if the path in the request URL is /bank/config2. If none of the files with path match, then the simulator will give no response.


Property: METHOD

User can choose GET, POST or PUT method. Universal REST Simulator will read the request according to the method used in the configuration and will ignore other requests.

Content Type

Content Type Request


Universal REST Simulator supports 3 kinds of content types which are as follows:

  1. application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  2. application/json
  3. application/xml
  4. application/soap+xml

This content type will affect how to read requests on the simulator.

Content Type Response


Users are free to use any content type for the response because basically the response simulator is pure text.

Input Configuration


$INPUT is an object that can be thought of as a global variable and has properties. $INPUT is always capitalized. The property of $INPUT can be written in both uppercase and lowercase letters and will be case sensitive.

Input comes from 2 sources namely $REQUEST (request body in POST and PUT and query string in GET) and $OUTPUT.HEADER (request header). Both $REQUEST and $OUTPUT.HEADER must be capitalized. The property name of $REQUEST is case sensitive while the property name of $OUTPUT.HEADER is capitalized and - is changed to _. This is because the header properties may have changed and cannot be predicted with certainty.

$REQUEST can come from:

  1. Query on GET
  2. Request body on POST and PUT
  3. Wildcard URL
  4. Basic Authorization

To retrieve $REQUEST from a URL wildcard, simply use {[IDENTIFIER]} in the URL. {[IDENTIFIER]} is case sensitive.



If the client requests either GET, POST or PUT with URL /payment/123/456/7890, then $REQUEST.PRODUCT_CODE will be 123, $REQUEST.CUSTOMER_ID will be value 456, $REQUEST.REFERENCE_NUMBER will be 7890. URL wildcards can still be concatenated with query strings. Both the input from the URL wildcard and the query string can be parsed in a single request.

Basic authorization contains a username and password to access a data source. The username and password information is encoded with base 64. The simulator extracts the information and then saves it to the $AUTHORIZATION_BASIC object.

To retrieve the username from basic authorization, use $AUTHORIZATION_BASIC.USERNAME. To retrieve the password from basic authorization, use $AUTHORIZATION_BASIC.PASSWORD. $AUTHORIZATION_BASIC.USERNAME and $AUTHORIZATION_BASIC.PASSWORD must be capitalized.

The simulator reads the input depending on the content type request. For content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded, the simulator directly fetches the value of the appropriate parameter. For application/json and application/xml content types, the simulator will fetch data incrementally. Thus, users are free to provide JSON and XML requests with a nested structure.

The input matrix and methods of Universal REST Simulator are as follows:

Method Content Tpe Data Source Alternative Object
GET applicatiom/x-www-form-urlencoded Header, URL,
Basic Authorization,
POST applicatiom/x-www-form-urlencoded Header, URL, Body,
Basic Authorization,
POST applicatiom/json Header, URL, Body,
Basic Authorization,
POST applicatiom/xml Header, URL, Body,
Basic Authorization,
POST applicatiom/soap+xml Header, URL, Body,
Basic Authorization,
PUT applicatiom/x-www-form-urlencoded Header, URL, Body,
Basic Authorization,
PUT applicatiom/json Header, URL, Body,
Basic Authorization,
PUT applicatiom/xml Header, URL, Body,
Basic Authorization,
PUT applicatiom/soap+xml Header, URL, Body,
Basic Authorization,

Input from Objects and Arrays

Users may use a combination of array and object as the payload of the request either GET, POST, PUT, or REQUEST. To retrieve values from input which are all object, you can use the dot operator (.) while to retrieve values from input which is a combination of object and array, you can use the square bracket operator [].

Payload Example

	"customer": {
		"name": "Anonim",
		"phone": "081111111111111"

Example Configuration






{[IF]} (true)\

The [] operator can be used to retrieve values from object and array. It is not allowed to combine the . and [] operators in retrieving a value. Thus, writing $INPUT.AMOUNT0=$REQUEST[items][0].amount is not allowed. However, it is permissible to use their combination on different inputs.

Example of Operator Combinations






{[IF]} (true)\

$INPUT.CUSTOMER_NAME=$ can also be written as $INPUT.CUSTOMER_NAME=$REQUEST[customer][name] without spaces before [ and after ].

Value of UUID

Universal REST Simulator allows the use of UUIDs. To retrieve the UUID from the system, use $SYSTEM.UUID.



From the example above, $INPUT.UUID, $INPUT.RANDOM_ID, and $INPUT.UNIQ_ID will have different values.

Examples of Encoded URL Input Configuration


In the above configuration, $INPUT.PRODUCT will retrieve the value from $REQUEST.product_code. Thus, when a user makes a request with the URL /biller/config1?product_code=10000&customer_no=081266612126&refno=5473248234, then $INPUT.PRODUCT will be worth 10000, and $INPUT.ACCOUNT will be 081266612126 etc.

Examples of JSON Input Configuration


JSON is usually used in POST or PUT methods. In the above configuration, $INPUT.PRODUCT will take the value from $ which is where ROOT is a JSON object. Thus, when a user makes a request with

POST /bank/config2 HTTP/1.1 
Content-type: application/json
Content-length: 166


then $INPUT.PRODUCT will be worth 002, likewise $INPUT.ACCOUNT will be 1234567890 and so on.

Contoh Konfigurasi Input XML


XML is usually used in POST or PUT methods. In the above configuration, $INPUT.PRODUCT will take the value from $REQUEST.product_code which is ROOT.product_code. where ROOT is the first level tag of the XML. Thus, when a user makes a request with

POST /bank/config3 HTTP/1.1 
Content-type: application/xml
Content-length: 196

<?xml  version="1.0"  encoding="UTF-8"?>

then $INPUT.PRODUCT will be worth 10001, likewise $INPUT.ACCOUNT will be 081266612127 and so on.

Combination of GET+POST and GET+PUT

Universal REST Simulator can combine GET input with POST or PUT. To combine GET with POST, use the POST method. To combine GET with PUT, use the PUT method.

POST and PUT only apply to REQUEST_TYPE=application/x-www-form-urlencoded . In this case, the client must also send Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Taking input from GET, POST, and PUT is the same as REQUEST as in the following example:






{[IF]} ($INPUT.GRANT_TYPE == 'client_credentials' && $INPUT.USERNAME == "username" && $INPUT.PASSWORD == "password" && $INPUT.DETAIL == "yes")\
    "token_type": "Bearer",\
    "access_token": "$TOKEN.JWT",\
    "expire_at": $TOKEN.EXPIRE_AT,\
    "expires_in": $TOKEN.EXPIRE_IN,\
    "econfig1l": "[email protected]"\
{[IF]} ($INPUT.GRANT_TYPE == 'client_credentials' && $INPUT.USERNAME == "username" && $INPUT.PASSWORD == "password")\
    "token_type": "Bearer",\
    "access_token": "$TOKEN.JWT",\
    "expire_at": $TOKEN.EXPIRE_AT,\
    "expires_in": $TOKEN.EXPIRE_IN\
{[IF]} (true)\
    "token_type": "Bearer",\
    "access_token": "$TOKEN.JWT",\
    "expire_at": $TOKEN.EXPIRE_AT,\
    "expires_in": $TOKEN.EXPIRE_IN\

The configuration above shows that the path requires the POST method and others. However, users can still retrieve values from queries at URL using $GET.

Sample Request

POST /universal-simulator/token?detail=yes HTTP/1.1 
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-length: 29


From the example above, the input from the URL /universal-simulator/token?detail=yes is taken with $GET.detail. This value will be equal to $REQUEST.detail if using the GET method. Because the configuration has defined METHOD=POST, this value can only be retrieved with $GET.detail because $REQUEST only refers to the request body sent.

Retrieval of data from the body can be done in two ways, namely $REQUEST and $POST. Note that $POST can only be used if REQUEST_TYPE=application/x-www-form-urlencoded and Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded. For other content types, must use $RQUEST.

$CALC() Function

The $CALC() function is very useful for performing mathematical operations where $INPUT is one of the operands.

For example: the user will add the bill amount with admin fee. If the invoice is stored in the variable $INPUT.AMOUNT and the admin fee is stored in the variable $INPUT.FEE, it can be written as $CALC($INPUT.AMOUNT + $INPUT.FEE). If the admin fee is a fixed value of 2500, it can be written as $CALC($INPUT.AMOUNT + 2500).

The $CALC() function can also calculate formulas in brackets. Example: $CALC($INPUT.AMOUNT + $INPUT.FEE + ($INPUT.AMOUNT * 10/100)) and so on. Note that the number of opening brackets must equal the number of closing brackets.






{[IF]} ($INPUT.PRODUCT == "322112" && $INPUT.FEE > 0)\
   "rc": "00",\
   "description": "Success",\
   "mitra_code": "904",\
   "product_code": "322112",\
   "merchant_type": "5612",\
   "customer_no": "$INPUT.ACCOUNT",\
   "product_name": "GOPAY",\
   "phone_number": "$INPUT.ACCOUNT",\
   "name": "GOPAY GP-$INPUT.ACCOUNT",\
   "amount": $INPUT.AMOUNT,\
   "admin": $INPUT.FEE,\
   "total": $CALC($INPUT.AMOUNT + $INPUT.FEE),\
   "transaction_date": "$DATE('d-m-Y H:i:s', 'UTC+9')",\
   "transaction_code": "000002873147"\
{[IF]} ($INPUT.PRODUCT == "322112")\
   "rc": "00",\
   "description": "Success",\
   "mitra_code": "904",\
   "product_code": "322112",\
   "merchant_type": "5612",\
   "customer_no": "$INPUT.ACCOUNT",\
   "product_name": "GOPAY",\
   "phone_number": "$INPUT.ACCOUNT",\
   "name": "GOPAY GP-$INPUT.ACCOUNT",\
   "amount": $INPUT.AMOUNT,\
   "admin": 2500,\
   "total": $CALC($INPUT.AMOUNT + 2500),\
   "transaction_date": "$DATE('d-m-Y H:i:s', 'UTC+9')",\
   "transaction_code": "000002873147"\
{[IF]} (true)\
   "rc": "00",\
   "description": "Success",\
   "mitra_code": "904",\
   "product_code": "322112",\
   "merchant_type": "5612",\
   "customer_no": "$INPUT.ACCOUNT",\
   "product_name": "GOPAY",\
   "phone_number": "$INPUT.ACCOUNT",\
   "name": "GOPAY GP-$INPUT.ACCOUNT",\
   "amount": $INPUT.AMOUNT,\
   "admin": 2500,\
   "total": $CALC($INPUT.AMOUNT + 2500),\
   "transaction_date": "$DATE('d-m-Y H:i:s')",\
   "transaction_code": "000002873147"\

$DATE() Function

The $DATE() function is useful for generating the date and time automatically. The date and time will follow the server time. User can use time zone.

The $DATE() format follows the format in the PHP programming language. The following is an explanation of the $DATE() format in the PHP programming language. To insert a constant character in the $DATE() function, prefix it with \. For example $DATE('Y-m-d\TH:i:s.000\Z', 'UTC+7') will return 2020-10:10T20:20:20,000Z. Note that \T will become T and \Z will become Z.

Format character Description Example returned values
Day --- ---
d Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros 01 to 31
D A textual representation of a day, three letters Mon through Sun
j Day of the month without leading zeros 1 to 31
l (lowercase 'L') A full textual representation of the day of the week Sunday through Saturday
N ISO-8601 numeric representation of the day of the week (added in PHP 5.1.0) 1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday)
S English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters st, nd, rd or th. Works well with j
w Numeric representation of the day of the week 0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday)
z The day of the year (starting from 0) 0 through 365
Week --- ---
W ISO-8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday Example: 42 (the 42nd week in the year)
Month --- ---
F A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March January through December
m Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros 01 through 12
M A short textual representation of a month, three letters Jan through Dec
n Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros 1 through 12
t Number of days in the given month 28 through 31
Year --- ---
L Whether it's a leap year 1 if it is a leap year, 0 otherwise.
o ISO-8601 week-numbering year. This has the same value as Y, except that if the ISO week number (W) belongs to the previous or next year, that year is used instead. (added in PHP 5.1.0) Examples: 1999 or 2003
Y A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits Examples: 1999 or 2003
y A two digit representation of a year Examples: 99 or 03
Time --- ---
a Lowercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem am or pm
A Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem AM or PM
B Swatch Internet time 000 through 999
g 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros 1 through 12
G 24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros 0 through 23
h 12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros 01 through 12
H 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros 00 through 23
i Minutes with leading zeros 00 to 59
s Seconds with leading zeros 00 through 59
u Microseconds (added in PHP 5.2.2). Note that date() will always generate 000000 since it takes an int parameter, whereas DateTime::format() does support microseconds if DateTime was created with microseconds. Example: 654321
v Milliseconds (added in PHP 7.0.0). Same note applies as for u. Example: 654
Timezone --- ---
e Timezone identifier (added in PHP 5.1.0) Examples: UTC, GMT, Atlantic/Azores
I (capital i) Whether or not the date is in daylight saving time 1 if Daylight Saving Time, 0 otherwise.
O Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) without colon between hours and minutes Example: +0200
P Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) with colon between hours and minutes (added in PHP 5.1.3) Example: +02:00
T Timezone abbreviation Examples: EST, MDT ...
Z Timezone offset in seconds. The offset for timezones west of UTC is always negative, and for those east of UTC is always positive. -43200 through 50400
Full Date/Time --- ---
c ISO 8601 date (added in PHP 5) 2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00
r » RFC 2822 formatted date Example: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200
U Seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT) See also time()



This function is used in conditions to validate tokens sent via Authorization: Bearer. The simulator will fetch the token sent via the header with the key Authorization. This token will then be validated according to the server configuration. If the token is true, $ISVALIDTOKEN() will be true. Otherwise, if the token is false, $ISVALIDTOKEN() will return false. The simulator will only validate tokens generated by the simulator itself.

How to Create Token

In order for the simulator to generate tokens, create a configuration file. The output of the configuration must contain $TOKEN.JWT. Other information such as $TOKEN.EXPIRE_AT and $TOKEN.EXPIRE_IN can also be added.

Configure Request Token






{[IF]} ($INPUT.USERNAME == 'username' && $INPUT.PASSWORD == 'userpassword' && $INPUT.GRANT_TYPE == 'client_credentials')\
    "token_type": "Bearer",\
    "access_token": "$TOKEN.JWT",\
    "expire_at": $TOKEN.EXPIRE_AT,\
    "expires_in": $TOKEN.EXPIRE_IN\

How to Validate Token

To do token validation, it's very easy. It is enough to create the condition $ISVALIDTOKEN(). The simulator will take the token sent and validate the token.

Token Validation Configuration






{[IF]} ($INPUT.CUST_NUMBER == "1571200004" && $ISVALIDTOKEN())\
    "command": "$INPUT.COMMAND",\
    "response_code": "00",\
    "response_text": "Success",\
    "message": {\
        "id": "Sukses",\
        "en": "Success"\
    "data": {\
        "bank_code": "$INPUT.BANK_CODE",\
        "channel_type": "$INPUT.CHANNEL_TYPE",\
        "pg_code": "$INPUT.PG_CODE",\
        "merchant_code": "030",\
        "merchant_name": "Arta Pay",\
        "virtual_account_number": "$INPUT.VA_NUMBER",\
        "customer_name": "$INPUT.CUST_NAME",\
        "request_id": "$INPUT.REQUEST_ID",\
        "reference_number": "$INPUT.REF_NUMBER",\
        "time_stamp": "$DATE('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', 'UTC').000Z",\
        "customer_number": "$INPUT.CUST_NUMBER",\
        "currency_code": "IDR",\
        "total_amount": $INPUT.TOTAL_AMOUNT,\
        "paid_amount": $INPUT.PAID_AMOUNT,\
        "bill_list": []\
{[IF]} (true)\
    "command": "$INPUT.COMMAND",\
    "response_code": "05",\
    "response_text": "Invalid Token",\
    "message": {\
        "id": "Sukses",\
        "en": "Success"\
    "data": {\
        "time_stamp": "$DATE('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', 'UTC').000Z"\

The configuration above shows an example of how to validate a token. Note that $INPUT.USERNAME=$AUTHORIZATION_BASIC.USERNAME and $INPUT.PASSWORD=$AUTHORIZATION_BASIC.PASSWORD can no longer be used because the Authorization key has already been used to send tokens. However, you can still use other keys.

Configure Token Validation with Additional Header






{[IF]} ($INPUT.USERNAME == 'username' && $INPUT.PASSWORD == 'userpassword' && $INPUT.API_KEY == 'API123' && $INPUT.CUST_NUMBER == "1571200004" && $ISVALIDTOKEN())\
    "command": "$INPUT.COMMAND",\
    "response_code": "00",\
    "response_text": "Success",\
    "message": {\
        "id": "Sukses",\
        "en": "Success"\
    "data": {\
        "bank_code": "$INPUT.BANK_CODE",\
        "channel_type": "$INPUT.CHANNEL_TYPE",\
        "pg_code": "$INPUT.PG_CODE",\
        "merchant_code": "030",\
        "merchant_name": "Arta Pay",\
        "virtual_account_number": "$INPUT.VA_NUMBER",\
        "customer_name": "$INPUT.CUST_NAME",\
        "request_id": "$INPUT.REQUEST_ID",\
        "reference_number": "$INPUT.REF_NUMBER",\
        "time_stamp": "$DATE('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', 'UTC').000Z",\
        "customer_number": "$INPUT.CUST_NUMBER",\
        "currency_code": "IDR",\
        "total_amount": $INPUT.TOTAL_AMOUNT,\
        "paid_amount": $INPUT.PAID_AMOUNT,\
        "bill_list": []\
{[IF]} (true)\
    "command": "$INPUT.COMMAND",\
    "response_code": "05",\
    "response_text": "Invalid Token",\
    "message": {\
        "id": "Sukses",\
        "en": "Success"\
    "data": {\
        "time_stamp": "$DATE('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', 'UTC').000Z"\




integer param1

integer param2

If param1 and param2 are not present, this function will generate random integer from mt_rand() function on native PHP.

If param1 is present and param2 is not present, this function will generate random integer from mt_rand(0, abs(param1)) function on native PHP.

If param1 and param2 are present, this function will generate random integer from mt_rand(min(abs(param1), abs(param2)), max(abs(param1), abs(param2))) function on native PHP.

$JSON.REQUEST() Function



string selector

boolean asText, default false

If selector and asText are not present, this function will return whole request as JSON object.

If selector is present and asText is not present, this function will return JSON object from request by selector given.

If selector is present and asText is present, this function will return JSON object from request by selector given. If asText is true, this function will convert JSON object to string and escape it.

Example Request

  "transaction_id": "164084965152152228",
  "request": {
    "data": {
      "lastBalance": "59978",
      "dateTime": "2017-11-11 10:10:10.123",
      "approvalCode": "CCD970377BCD",
      "dataToSam": "12121233345454323",
      "merchantId": "TESTMID1",
      "session": "sessionid123",
      "terminalId": "TESTTID1",
      "cardNumber": "6032984002487720"
    "command": "update-balance"
  "partner_info": {
    "partnerID": 80,
    "adapterEndpoint": "http://localhost:3000/process-biller"
  "client_name": "Dora Remitance",
  "client_id": 1

$JSON.REQUEST() or $JSON.REQUEST('') will return JSON object

  "transaction_id": "164084965152152228",
  "request": {
    "data": {
      "lastBalance": "59978",
      "dateTime": "2017-11-11 10:10:10.123",
      "approvalCode": "CCD970377BCD",
      "dataToSam": "12121233345454323",
      "merchantId": "TESTMID1",
      "session": "sessionid123",
      "terminalId": "TESTTID1",
      "cardNumber": "6032984002487720"
    "command": "update-balance"
  "partner_info": {
    "partnerID": 80,
    "adapterEndpoint": "http://localhost:3000/process-biller"
  "client_name": "Dora Remitance",
  "client_id": 1

$JSON.REQUEST('request') will return JSON object

    "data": {
      "lastBalance": "59978",
      "dateTime": "2017-11-11 10:10:10.123",
      "approvalCode": "CCD970377BCD",
      "dataToSam": "12121233345454323",
      "merchantId": "TESTMID1",
      "session": "sessionid123",
      "terminalId": "TESTTID1",
      "cardNumber": "6032984002487720"
    "command": "update-balance"

$JSON.REQUEST('') will return JSON object

	"lastBalance": "59978",
	"dateTime": "2017-11-11 10:10:10.123",
	"approvalCode": "CCD970377BCD",
	"dataToSam": "12121233345454323",
	"merchantId": "TESTMID1",
	"session": "sessionid123",
	"terminalId": "TESTTID1",
	"cardNumber": "6032984002487720"

$JSON.REQUEST('', false) will return JSON object

	"lastBalance": "59978",
	"dateTime": "2017-11-11 10:10:10.123",
	"approvalCode": "CCD970377BCD",
	"dataToSam": "12121233345454323",
	"merchantId": "TESTMID1",
	"session": "sessionid123",
	"terminalId": "TESTTID1",
	"cardNumber": "6032984002487720"

$JSON.REQUEST('', true) will return string

"{\"lastBalance\":\"59978\",\"dateTime\":\"2017-11-11 10:10:10.123\",\"approvalCode\":\"CCD970377BCD\",\"dataToSam\":\"12121233345454323\",\"merchantId\":\"TESTMID1\",\"session\":\"sessionid123\",\"terminalId\":\"TESTTID1\",\"cardNumber\":\"6032984002487720\"}"

Selection of Conditions


The simulator only supports IF and not ELSE conditions. All generated data is data that is between {[THEN]} and {[ENDIF]}. IF is written as {[IF]}, THEN is written as {[THEN]}, and ENDIF is written as {[ENDIF]}. This is to distinguish between reserved words and words that may appear in the configuration data.

The simulator will evaluate the expression on {[IF]}. If the condition evaluates to true, then the simulator will retrieve all data in that block regardless of whether the condition in the next block is true or false.

Some of the data that can be generated by the simulator are as follows:

  1. $OUTPUT.STATUS is the HTTP status code. The default value of $OUTPUT.STATUS is 200
  2. $OUTPUT.HEADER is a line response header.
  3. $OUTPUT.DELAY is the timeout. The server will wait a while before sending a response.
  4. $OUTPUT.BODY is the response body.
  5. $OUTPUT.CALLBACK_URL is the URL that the callback process goes to.
  6. $OUTPUT.CALLBACK_METHOD is the method of the callback. The methods that can be used are GET, POST, and PUT.
  7. $OUTPUT.CALLBACK_TYPE is the content type for the callback. This content type is free as needed.
  8. $OUTPUT.CALLBACK_TIMEOUT is the timeout for the callback.
  9. $OUTPUT.CALLBACK_HEADER is the request header for the callback.
  10. $OUTPUT.CALLBACK_BODY is the request body for the callback.
  11. $OUTPUT.CALLBACK_DELAY is the delay for the callback in milliseconds.

An explanation of callbacks can be read in the Callback section.

{[IF]} ($INPUT.COMMAND == "inquiry" && $INPUT.PRODUCT == "002" && $INPUT.ACCOUNT == "1234567890")\
	"time_stamp":"$DATE('j F Y H:i:s', 'UTC+7')",\
	"msg":"Transaksi ini dikenakan biaya Rp. 250",\
{[IF]} ($INPUT.COMMAND == "inquiry" && $INPUT.PRODUCT == "002" && $INPUT.ACCOUNT == "1234567891")\
	"customer_no": "$INPUT.ACCOUNT",\
	"product_code": "$INPUT.PRODUCT",\
	"time_stamp": "$DATE('Y-m-d H:i:s')",\
	"msg": "Transaksi ini dikenakan biaya Rp. 250",\
	"refid": "873264832658723585"\
{[IF]} (true)\
	"rc": "25",\
	"sn": "82634862385235365285",\
	"nama": "Budi",\
	"customer_no": "$INPUT.ACCOUNT",\
	"product_code": "$INPUT.PRODUCT",\
	"time_stamp": "$DATE('Y-m-d H:i:s')",\
	"msg": "Transaksi ini dikenakan biaya Rp. 250",\
	"refid": "873264832658723585"\

The simulator will evaluate the conditions accordingly. If there are two conditions

HTTP Status

The Universal REST Simulator allows the use of non-standard HTTP Status. HTTP Status Standard can be found at

For standard HTTP Status, users just need to write the code. For example $OUTPUT.STATUS=200 or $OUTPUT.STATUS=403. For use of non-standard HTTP Status, users need to add a description text behind the code. For example: $OUTPUT.STATUS=699 Under Maintenance. If the user does not add a description behind the code, then Universal REST Simulator will send HTTP Status 500 or Internal Server Error.

Example of URL-Encoded Request Configuration

Sample Request

GET /biller/config1?product_code=10000&customer_no=081266612126&refno=5473248234 HTTP/1.1 
Content-type: application/json
Content-length: 166


{[IF]} ($INPUT.PRODUCT == "10000" && $INPUT.ACCOUNT == "081266612126")\
	"rc": "00",\
	"sn": "82634862385235365285",\
	"nama": "config2",\
	"customer_no": "$INPUT.ACCOUNT",\
	"product_code": "$INPUT.PRODUCT",\
	"time_stamp": "$DATE('j F Y H:i:s', 'UTC+7')",\
	"msg": "Transaksi ini dikenakan biaya Rp. 250",\
	"refid": "$INPUT.REF_NUMBER"\
{[IF]} ($INPUT.PRODUCT == "10000" && $INPUT.ACCOUNT == "081266612127")\
	"rc": "00",\
	"sn": "82634862385235365285",\
	"nama": "Budi",\
	"customer_no": "$INPUT.ACCOUNT",\
	"product_code": "$INPUT.PRODUCT",\
	"time_stamp": "$DATE('Y-m-d H:i:s')",\
	"msg": "Transaksi ini dikenakan biaya Rp. 250",\
	"refid": "873264832658723585"\
{[IF]} (true)\
	"rc": "25",\
	"sn": "82634862385235365285",\
	"nama": "Budi",\
	"customer_no": "$INPUT.ACCOUNT",\
	"product_code": "$INPUT.PRODUCT",\
	"time_stamp": "$DATE('Y-m-d H:i:s')",\
	"msg": "Transaksi ini dikenakan biaya Rp. 250",\
	"refid": "873264832658723585"\

Example of JSON Request Configuration

On a JSON request, it is possible that the key of JSON contains characters other than alpha numeric and underscore. To allow the simulator to read input from the request, replace all characters other than alpha numeric and underscore with underscore or _.

Contoh Request

POST /bank/config2 HTTP/1.1 
Content-type: application/json
Content-length: 166

		"destination_bank_code": "002",
		"beneficiary_account_number": "1234567890",
		"customer_reference_number": "9876544322"


{[IF]} ($INPUT.COMMAND == "inquiry" && $INPUT.PRODUCT == "002" && $INPUT.ACCOUNT == "1234567890")\
	"rc": "00",\
	"sn": "82634862385235365285",\
	"nama": "config2",\
	"customer_no": "$INPUT.ACCOUNT",\
	"product_code": "$INPUT.PRODUCT",\
	"time_stamp": "$DATE('j F Y H:i:s', 'UTC+7')",\
	"msg": "Transaksi ini dikenakan biaya Rp. 250",\
	"refid": "$INPUT.REF_NUMBER"\
{[IF]} ($INPUT.COMMAND == "inquiry" && $INPUT.PRODUCT == "002" && $INPUT.ACCOUNT == "1234567891")\
	"rc": "00",\
	"sn": "82634862385235365285",\
	"nama": "Budi",\
	"customer_no": "$INPUT.ACCOUNT",\
	"product_code": "$INPUT.PRODUCT",\
	"time_stamp": "$DATE('Y-m-d H:i:s')",\
	"msg": "Transaksi ini dikenakan biaya Rp. 250",\
	"refid": "873264832658723585"\
{[IF]} (true)\
	"rc": "25",\
	"sn": "82634862385235365285",\
	"nama": "Budi",\
	"customer_no": "$INPUT.ACCOUNT",\
	"product_code": "$INPUT.PRODUCT",\
	"time_stamp": "$DATE('Y-m-d H:i:s')",\
	"msg": "Transaksi ini dikenakan biaya Rp. 250",\
	"refid": "873264832658723585"\

Example of XML Request Configuration

Sample Request

POST /bank/config3 HTTP/1.1 
Content-type: application/xml
Content-length: 196

<?xml  version="1.0"  encoding="UTF-8"?>







{[IF]} ($INPUT.PRODUCT == "10000" && $INPUT.ACCOUNT == "081266612126" && $INPUT.AMOUNT > 0)\
$OUTPUT.BODY=\<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\
	<time_stamp>$DATE('j F Y H:i:s', 'UTC+7')</time_stamp>\
	<msg>Transaksi ini dikenakan biaya Rp. 250</msg>\
{[IF]} ($INPUT.PRODUCT == "10001" && $INPUT.ACCOUNT == "081266612127")\
$OUTPUT.BODY=\<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\
	<time_stamp>$DATE('j F Y H:i:s', 'UTC+7')</time_stamp>\
	<msg>Transaksi ini dikenakan biaya Rp. 250</msg>\
{[IF]} (true)\
$OUTPUT.BODY=\<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\
	<time_stamp>$DATE('j F Y H:i:s', 'UTC+7')</time_stamp>\
	<msg>Pelanggan tidak ditemukan</msg>\


Some simulators send callbacks due to asynchronous processes. Universal REST Simulator also supports callbacks. The callback will be sent after the request has been parsed before delaying response (if any).

To add a callback, some configuration needs to be made on TRANSACTION_RULE which is as follows:

  1. $OUTPUT.CALLBACK_URL is the URL that the callback process goes to.
  2. $OUTPUT.CALLBACK_METHOD is the method of the callback. The methods that can be used are GET, POST, and PUT.
  3. $OUTPUT.CALLBACK_TYPE is the content type for the callback. This content type is free as needed.
  4. $OUTPUT.CALLBACK_HEADER is the request header for the callback.
  5. $OUTPUT.CALLBACK_BODY is the request body for the callback.
  6. $OUTPUT.CALLBACK_DELAY is the delay for the callback in milliseconds.

The default method is GET. If $OUTPUT.CALLBACK_METHOD is GET, then $OUTPUT.CALLBACK_BODY will not be sent and the Content-length and Content-type in headers will also not be sent.

Note that in the POST and PUT methods, the user must specify $OUTPUT.CALLBACK_BODY because the destination server will wait for the simulator to send body to the callback process. $OUTPUT.CALLBACK_TYPE on POST and PUT must also be set to specify Content-type on callbacks. The content-length will be generated automatically by the simulator when the callback is made. User can add User-agent in header. If the user does not enter User-agent, the simulator will create a default User-agent because some servers may require each request to include a User-agent.







{[IF]} ($INPUT.PRODUCT == "10000" && $INPUT.ACCOUNT == "081266612126" && $INPUT.AMOUNT > 0)\
$OUTPUT.CALLBACK_HEADER=X-Server-Name: Universal REST Simulator\
X-Response-Code: 00\
X-Response-Text: Success\
$OUTPUT.CALLBACK_BODY=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\
	<time_stamp>$DATE('j F Y H:i:s', 'UTC+7')</time_stamp>\
	<msg>Ini output dari callback Transaksi ini dikenakan biaya Rp. 250</msg>\
$OUTPUT.HEADER=X-Server-Name: Universal REST Simulator\
X-Response-Code: 00\
X-Response-Text: Success\
$OUTPUT.BODY=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\
	<time_stamp>$DATE('j F Y H:i:s', 'UTC+7')</time_stamp>\
	<msg>Transaksi ini dikenakan biaya Rp. 250</msg>\
{[IF]} ($INPUT.PRODUCT == "10001" && $INPUT.ACCOUNT == "081266612127")\
$OUTPUT.BODY=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\
	<time_stamp>$DATE('j F Y H:i:s', 'UTC+7')</time_stamp>\
	<msg>Transaksi ini dikenakan biaya Rp. 250</msg>\
{[IF]} (true)\
$OUTPUT.BODY=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\
	<time_stamp>$DATE('j F Y H:i:s', 'UTC+7')</time_stamp>\
	<msg>Pelanggan tidak ditemukan</msg>\

Native PHP Code

In some cases, the simulator cannot be created with a configuration file alone. Processes that are too complex to be handled by programming languages include saving transaction data to a database or file system.

Universal REST Simulator allows users to create their own native PHP code.

This method is actually not recommended because it can harm the simulator. But it can be done if the user understands the PHP language well.

To write native PHP code on the simulator is very easy. First define METHOD and PATH then write PHP code between {[EVAL_PHP_BEGIN]} and {[EVAL_PHP_END]}

Parsing only input data is done manually depending on the method and content-type sent by the client.

Example Configuration


function encryptEBC($key, $payload){
    return bin2hex(openssl_encrypt($payload, 'aes-128-ecb', $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA));
function decriptEBC($key, $payload){
    return openssl_decrypt(hex2bin($payload), 'aes-128-ecb', $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA);

$rc = '00';
$key = "iY87^R76R%e4d7tD";

$clientID = @$_POST['login'];
$pwd = @$_POST['pwd'];
$terminal = @$_POST['terminal'];
$customer = @$_POST['customer'];
$trx_date = @$_POST['trx_date'];
$trx_type = @$_POST['trx_type'];
$sequence_id = @$_POST['sequence_id'];

$tx_amount = @$_POST['tx_amount'];
$isreversal = @$_POST['isreversal'];

$pwd = decriptEBC($key, $pwd);
$terminal = decriptEBC($key, $terminal);
$customer = decriptEBC($key, $customer);

$trx_date = decriptEBC($key, $trx_date);
$trx_type = decriptEBC($key, $trx_type);
$sequence_id = decriptEBC($key, $sequence_id);
if($customer == '0725553725')
    $rc = '00';
header("Content-type: text/plain");
echo "$rc:$sequence_id";

File Manager

Universal REST Simulator comes with a file manager for creating, modifying and deleting configuration files. The file manager is equipped with a username and password to enter into it. The file manager can be accessed with the path /filemanager/ from the document root of the simulator.

The file manager username and password are stored in the .htpasswd file in the filemanager directory. Username and password can be added by adding a line at the end of the file. The supported password encryption methods are:

  1. SHA with {SHA} . prefix
  2. APR1 with prefix $apr1$

Usernames and passwords can be generated using the Htpasswd Generator which is widely available online.

A complete guide to using the file manager can be found at

Check Path

Universal REST Simulator uses path and method to determine which configuration to use. If there are two or more pairs of the same path and method, the configuration file that is found first will be used.

Users need to know whether the path and method have been used or not or whether there is duplication or not. To check the path and method used, the user can simply access /checkpath/ from the document root of the simulator using a browser.


Universal REST Simulator is a universal simulator for REST APIs. This simulator can be configured by adding some configuration files into the config directory. Universal REST Simulator can read all files with the extension .







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