This bash script creates a directory structure for an Ansible project, including necessary directories and files.
- Make sure you have bash installed on your system.
- Download or clone this repository.
- Navigate to the directory containing the script.
- Run the script with the desired directory name as an argument:
bash <directory_name>
Replace <directory_name> with the name you want for your Ansible project directory.
## Directory Structure
The script creates the following directory structure within the specified directory:
|-- group_vars/
|-- host_vars/
|-- roles/
| |-- webserver/
| | |-- tasks/
| | | |-- main.yml
| | |-- handlers/
| | | |-- main.yml
| | |-- templates/
| | | |-- main.yml
| | |-- files/
| | | |-- main.yml
| | |-- vars/
| | | |-- main.yml
| | |-- defaults/
| | | |-- main.yml
| | |-- meta/
| | | |-- main.yml
| |-- database/
| | |-- tasks/
| | | |-- main.yml
| | |-- handlers/
| | | |-- main.yml
| | |-- templates/
| | | |-- main.yml
| | |-- files/
| | | |-- main.yml
| | |-- vars/
| | | |-- main.yml
| | |-- defaults/
| | | |-- main.yml
| | |-- meta/
| | | |-- main.yml
|-- hosts
|-- site.yml