An ember-cli addon for using Bootstrap 3 or 4 (experimental) in Ember applications.
The addon includes the Bootstrap assets (CSS, Icons) in your project (can be disabled). On top of that, it provides a set of native Ember components (no use of Bootstrap JavaScript!).
See for full documentation.
In your application's directory:
ember install ember-bootstrap
This will install Bootstrap 3 and will use the currently installed preprocessor or none if one is not installed. To switch Bootstrap version or preprocessor, see the documentation.
ember-bootstrap works and is fully tested with
- Ember.js 2.3+
- Bootstrap 3 and 4. Support for Bootstrap 4 is currently considered experimental and not covered by SemVer, as Bootstrap 4 itself is not yet stable.
- all modern evergreen browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) and IE 11.
- FastBoot 1.0+
- jQuery-less builds using ember-native-dom-event-dispatcher
The 1.0 release is currently in release candidate stage. There should not be any breaking changes anymore. So we encourage everybody to use it for new projects, and also to upgrade existing projects.
The 1.0 alpha series consisted of a number of breaking changes compared to the previous 0.x releases, so be sure to check the CHANGELOG for details. After the first stable 1.0 release the API will remain stable according to SemVer.
See CHANGELOG for the list of all changes.
If you want to keep up to date with ember-bootstrap, you may want to follow me on Twitter.
- Simon Ihmig
- Stephen Vance
- and many more contributors
Code and documentation copyright 2017 kaliber5 and contributors. Code released under the MIT license.