Module for creating and updating TCR listings
npm install --save tcr-listings
import TCRListings from 'tcr-listings'
// Address to calculate tokenClaims & userVoteNumTokens
const accountAddress = '0x0123456789DEADBEAFCAFE'
const tcrListings = new TCRListings(accountAddress)
// Array of _Application logs
const applicationLogs = [
logData: {
listingHash: '0x11b225fe8d80e492d300a2f2da631db014203e1d17c046808254d52531743cac',
deposit: '10000000000000000000',
appEndDate: '1537548813',
data: 'data',
applicant: '0x0123456789DEADBEEFCAFE',
length: 5,
txData: {
txHash: '0x159b6274ed2eca6e2890f1715e56e044f97721cc25f5f567f7aff21e6ae17d18',
logIndex: 3,
blockNumber: 3028095,
blockTimestamp: 1537548213,
contractAddress: '0xDEADBEEFCAFE0123456789',
eventName: '_Application',
// Array of non-_Application logs
const nonApplicationLogs = [
// { ... }
// Optional: object of current listings (for updating)
const localListings = {
0x11b225fe8d80e492d300a2f2da631db014203e1d17c046808254d52531743cac: {
latestBlockTxn: {
txHash: '0x067721b90d63b0b2bf7ad33d6e337647ec9704645529ee6b5acbb69279e0674a',
logIndex: 58,
blockNumber: 6001454,
blockTimestamp: 1333569875,
appEndDate: '1333599416',
data: 'data',
whitelistBlockTimestamp: '1333599875',
listingHash: '0xa1b0c90bb32d5c46ec5baec637f8cc3d8071588be36eaca4d87fe5c9641a5138',
status: 'whitelisted',
owner: '0x0123456789DEADBEEFCAFE',
latestEvent: '_ApplicationWhitelisted',
listingID: 'data',
// Create listings from _Application logs,
// Update current listings w/ new logs
// Update current listings w/ new listings
const listingsMap = await tcrListings.getListings(
npm test