A continually expanding collection of RNA-seq tools
RNAseq analysis notes from Ming Tang
A curated list of awesome ggplot2 tutorials, packages etc.
Community-curated list of software packages and data resources for single-cell, including RNA-seq, ATAC-seq, etc.
An integrated platform for modeling gene-regulatory dynamics and networks
Tool for plotting sequencing data along genomic coordinates.
PCAtools: everything Principal Components Analysis
High dimensional weighted gene co-expression network analysis
Snakemake pipeline for miRNA and piRNA quantification from QIAseq miRNA Library Kit libraries
circRNA quantification, differential expression analysis and miRNA target prediction of RNA-Seq data
A tutorial for pathway visualization using tidyverse, igraph, and ggraph
Scripts for WGCNA network analysis and correlation with microbial taxonomy traits
A repository for setting up a RNAseq workflow
Official code repository for GATK versions 4 and up
Workflows for germline short variant discovery in WGS data. PairedEndSingleSampleWf has been superseded in Broad production by
Replication materials for