This repository gives you the ability to create a local kafka cluster for development and experimentation (NOT production)
- Install docker onto your system
- Install docker-compose
- Download Confluent Platform zip file and unzip in a location of your choice, you'll need this mainly for the kafka command/console tools
- Osx users will need to carry out this routing stepup step now and every time they restart their system. (Currently looking for a better solution)
- This step only applies to linux users, mac users should skip this. you'll need to create local directories (under /tmp/docker) that are linked to directories internally used by the containers. set up all associated local volumes/directories by running this command
mkdir -p `grep /tmp/docker docker-compose.yml | cut -d' ' -f6 | cut -d':' -f1 | sort`
- Ensure docker is running (mac users follow these steps)
- Start all the needed
docker-compose up -d
- Running
docker-compose ps
ordocker ps
should show at least a zookeeper container and 1 or 3 kafka containers
These walkthroughs are aimed at getting you familiar with kafka.
They are written with the aim of getting different groups (devs, admins) comfortable using kafka.
- Basic Walkthrough - Aimed at everyone and everyone should go through this.
- Ruby Walkthrough - TODO
- Clojure Walkthrough - TODO
To stop all the containers running docker-compose stop
To remove all the containers docker-compose rm
- Currently the zookeeper and kafka containers use volumes that are on the local filesystem for Linux, but for Macs are inside the boot2docker vm (type
boot2docker ssh
and explore /tmp/docker). These volumes will survive container restarts and should be deleted (and recreated for linux users) if you want your containers to start with clean volumes. - If you need to repoint the docker-compose.yml soft link, please shutdown and remove the current configuration first
docker-compose stop && docker-compose rm
- Expose/link the configuration directories of zookeeper and kafka containers the same way the logs and data directories are exposed. This will allow people to further experiment with various configurations
- Explore using a data/volume container instead of volumes linked to local disk.