This is a boilerplate project for future use. The project consists of REST API developed by Yii2 and backend/frontend developed by Angular2 with Core UI.
The project involves:
- Yii2 REST API, Yii2 RBAC, JWT (JSON Web Token), SSE (Server Send Event)
- Backend: Staff/Administrator dashboard to manage staffs, users and settings
- Angular 4, CoreUI Bootstrap Template, JWT (JSON Web Token), Moment.js, Sweet Alert, Underscore.js
- Frontend: User website to support user registration, login and account management
- Angular 4, CoreUI Bootstrap Template, JWT (JSON Web Token), Moment.js, Sweet Alert, SSE (Server Send Event)
- User Controller
- POST /v1/user/login
- POST /v1/user/signup
- POST /v1/user/confirm
- POST /v1/user/password-reset-request
- POST /v1/user/password-reset-token-verification
- POST /v1/user/password-reset
- GET/POST /v1/me
- GET /v1/page/sse
- Staff Controller
- POST /v1/staff/login
- GET /v1/staff/get-permissions
- Setting Controller
- GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /v1/setting
- GET /v1/setting/public
- User Controller
- Frontend
- User Login/Logout
- User can login with username and password.
- API generates JWT(JSON Web Token) upon successful login.
- Frontend will store JWT in local storage and use for all requests.
- API will validate submitted access token prior to process any request.
- User Registration
- User can register new account.
- API will submit verification email to the email. Note that current API system will use swift mailer component with file transport. You can check the email content in debug module.
- User Email Confirmation
- Frontend will confirm the auth key and update account status if auth key is valid.
- User Reset Password
- User can reset their password.
- API will send password reset email to the requested email.
- Frontend will display the password reset page if password reset token is valid.
- User Account
- User can change email address. If change email address, the API will send confirmation email to verify email address.
- User can change password.
- User Login/Logout
- Backend
- Staff Login/Logout
- API generates JWT(JSON Web Token) upon successful login.
- Dashboard
- Currently, dashboard is empty page.
- Staff Management
- Admin or staff who has a permission 'manageStaffs' can create/update/delete staff information.
- Staff role can configure permissions for managing staff, user and setting.
- User Management
- Admin or staff who has a permission 'manageUsers' can create/update/delete user information.
- Setting Management
- Admin or staff who has a permission 'manageSettings' can create/update/delete setting information.
- Staff Login/Logout
Currently, the project is not ready for production use. Following steps are suitable for configuring development environment.
To run the application, create new database.
host: localhost
db: boilerplate
username: root
password: root
Open the console and execute following commands.
$ git clone
$ cd yii2-angular2-boilerplate
$ cd api
$ composer install
$ ./yii migrate --migrationPath=@yii/rbac/migrations
$ ./yii migrate/up
Note that if you have different database connection information, you will need to update API db.php
before you running ./yii migrate/up
- Open
- Update db config as new database connection credentials
The API is running under LAMP environment. Setup API as following configuration.
document root: ~/yii2-angular2-boilerplate/api/web
host: api.boilerplate.local
Note that you will need to update /etc/hosts
if required. api.boilerplate.local
Once setup api, then run npm
to start backend
$ cd backend
$ npm install
$ npm start
And open new console and start frontend
$ cd frontend
$ npm install
$ npm start
If you get an error message like below, then you need to upgrade Angular CLI to a new version.
You have to be inside an angular-cli project in order to use the serve command.
$ sudo npm uninstall -g @angular/cli
$ sudo npm cache clean
$ sudo npm install -g @angular/cli@latest
And wait for it is up and running. Once npm is finished compiling, then open the browser.
- REST API: http://api.boilerplate.local/debug
- To make sure API is working, go to http://api.boilerplate.local/ping. You must see
message. - Backend: http://localhost:4200
- Administrator username:
, password:123456
- Staff username:
, password:123456
- Administrator username:
- Frontend: http://localhost:4201
- Username:
, password123456
- Username:
Note that if you change API address, then you will need to update frontend global configuration for pointing new API address.
- Open following files
- Update
to new backend/frontend addressMake sure you appendthis.apiHost = 'http://new.address.local/v1';
after the API address.
- Enhance user management - send confirmation email
- Enhance user authorization with Yii2 RBAC (Role Based Access Control)
- Develop new customer management section
- Apply JWT(JSON Web Token) for user authentication
- Upgrade Angular 2 to Angular 4
- Develop file uploader
- Develop more test code
- Dockerize application