The goal of the platform is to deploy 5G slices natively on K8s in a multi-cluster environment to allow K8s native applications to consume 5G networking directly in the K8s clusters serving as NFVI. The design is VIM-less. Both slice and applications are treated as K8s native services. Kubernitized free5GC is used as a running example to illustrate the concepts. Distributed NFVI is managed via Open Cluster Management open source project. The management workflows are implemented as Argo templatized workflows. Informally, the workflows are of two kinds: local and global. The former ones execute autonomously in a specific NFVI (K8s cluster) and the global ones span different NFVIs and the management hub cluster. When synchronization of any kind is required among the local workflows (perhaps being part of a global one), synchronization and parameter passing is done via message passing using Kafka message bus in the management hub cluster. Architecturally, the management hub cluster is located in Core and represents MEC System, while other K8s clusters (NFVI) are located in Edge (RAN) and Transport.
Use these instructions to deploy three kubernetes clusters each with master/worker installed with a VM of Ubuntu 20.04 allocated with 2vCPUs, 8GB RAM and 100 GB disk
- OCM Hub: 1 master, 1 worker
- Core: 1 master, 2 workers
- Edge: 1 master, 1 worker
Create two fresh Ubuntu 20.04 VMs allocated with 4 vCPU, 8 GB RAM and 50 GB
- gNB node
- UE (user-equipment)
Important: ensure VMs network interfaces set with the same name e.g. ens3
After creating the three kubernetes clusters, install OCM and register it with the two clusters 'Core' and 'Edge'
Follow these instructions to install OCM
Note: register the Core and Edge clusters cluster-1
and cluster-2
Perform the below instructions to install multus and IPAM whereabouts
Do this for both core and edge clusters
Log into k8s master
Perform the below steps per this Installation guide
cd ~
git clone && cd multus-cni
git checkout tags/v3.8
cat ./images/multus-daemonset.yml | kubectl apply -f -
Wait for multus pods to become active
Log into k8s master
Perform the below steps per this Installation guide
cd ~
git clone && cd whereabouts
git checkout ee60ed15c45d6fcdbccc995caeadb20928cfdadc
kubectl apply \
-f doc/crds/daemonset-install.yaml \
-f doc/crds/whereabouts.cni.cncf.io_ippools.yaml \
-f doc/crds/whereabouts.cni.cncf.io_overlappingrangeipreservations.yaml \
-f doc/crds/ip-reconciler-job.yaml
Wait for whereabouts pods to become active
Perform the below instructions to install Argo controller
Do this for all three clusters: hub, core and edge clusters
Have Argo to run free5gc workflows under domain-operator-a
, domain-operator-b
, domain-operator-c
, namespaces.
cd ~
git clone
cd issm-mec-cnmp
git checkout free5gc-v3.1.1
# operator-a
export NAMESPACE=domain-operator-a
kubectl create namespace $NAMESPACE
envsubst < workflows/argo/role.yaml.template | kubectl apply -n $NAMESPACE -f -
# operator-b
export NAMESPACE=domain-operator-b
kubectl create namespace $NAMESPACE
envsubst < workflows/argo/role.yaml.template | kubectl apply -n $NAMESPACE -f -
# operator-c
export NAMESPACE=domain-operator-c
kubectl create namespace $NAMESPACE
envsubst < workflows/argo/role.yaml.template | kubectl apply -n $NAMESPACE -f -
# operator-a
export NAMESPACE=domain-operator-a
kubectl apply -f workflows/common-templates -n $NAMESPACE
# operator-b
export NAMESPACE=domain-operator-b
kubectl apply -f workflows/common-templates -n $NAMESPACE
# operator-c
export NAMESPACE=domain-operator-c
kubectl apply -f workflows/common-templates -n $NAMESPACE
Components synch among each other using kafka bus
Install and configure kafka here
5G Operator acts as a VNFM for free5gc network functions
Perform the following instructions to install the 5G Operator
Do this for both core and edge clusters
Perform the below instructions to install the gtp5g kernel module that will be used by the dataplane function
Do this for all worker nodes on both core and edge clusters
sudo apt-get install libtool
sudo apt-get install pkg-config
sudo apt-get install libmnl-dev
sudo apt install make
sudo apt install net-tools
cd ~
git clone && cd gtp5g
git checkout tags/v0.4.1
make clean && make
sudo make install
Invoke the below against the main network interface
sudo ip link set ens3 promisc on
5G Init-container get invoked during Init
phase of free5gc NF deployment. It is responsible to setup DNS service name mappings for the various networks
Refer here for more details
Log into host installed with docker and has access to
# Clone free5gc-compose project
cd ~
git clone
cd free5gc-compose
git checkout e762f48-nf_build_upfs-dynamic_load-multiple_gnbs-tls_volume
# clone free5gc v3.1.1
cd base
git clone --recursive -b v3.1.1 -j `nproc`
# replace smf
cd free5gc/NFs
rm -Rf smf
git clone smf
cd smf
git checkout smf-84c979a-dynamic_load-multiple_gnbs
# replace amf
cd ~/free5gc-compose/base/free5gc/NFs
rm -Rf amf
git clone amf
cd amf
git checkout amf-03f9848-uelocation
# Build the images
cd ~/free5gc-compose
# copy additional SMF build files
sudo make all
sudo docker-compose build
Do this only in case images are not deployed here
Ensure to properly tag the images built from the previous step - into the below names
sudo docker tag free5gc-compose_free5gc-udm
sudo docker tag free5gc-compose_free5gc-pcf
# Updated AMF, SMF
sudo docker tag free5gc-compose_free5gc-amf
sudo docker tag free5gc-compose_free5gc-smf
sudo docker tag free5gc-compose_free5gc-smf-ext
sudo docker tag free5gc-compose_free5gc-nrf
sudo docker tag free5gc-compose_free5gc-ausf
sudo docker tag free5gc-compose_free5gc-nssf
sudo docker tag free5gc-compose_free5gc-webui
sudo docker tag free5gc-compose_free5gc-upf
then push them with docker push ...
This MEC setup uses private image registry to store free5gc and other helper images. This is to avoid the reconfiguration of service accounts and rbac roles as well as hitting docker pull requests limit
Refer here for setting the private registry
Perform the below instructions to install ue ran simulator
Do this for both gNB and UE VMs
cd ~
git clone
git checkout tags/v3.2.5 -b v3.2.5-branch
The below instructions are derived from ueransim-installation
sudo apt install make
sudo apt install gcc
sudo apt install g++
sudo apt install libsctp-dev lksctp-tools
sudo apt install iproute2
sudo snap install cmake --classic
Perform the below before the deployment
Log into OCM hub cluster
Configure the git-subscription channel to point to fiveg packages github
kubectl apply -f workflows/argo-acm/remote-git-sub/01-namespace.yaml
kubectl apply -f workflows/argo-acm/remote-git-sub/02-channel.yaml
Kick off free5gc core deployment
Log into OCM hub cluster
cd ~/issm-mec-cnmp
argo -n domain-operator-a submit workflows/argo-acm/fiveg-core.yaml --parameter-file workflows/argo-acm/core.json --watch
wait for the flow to complete
Log into gNB VM (
Customize free5gc-gnb.yaml to support the two slices (010203, 112233)
index 81bb13b..e28f0be 100644
--- a/config/free5gc-gnb.yaml
+++ b/config/free5gc-gnb.yaml
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ nci: '0x000000010' # NR Cell Identity (36-bit)
idLength: 32 # NR gNB ID length in bits [22...32]
tac: 1 # Tracking Area Code
-linkIp: # gNB's local IP address for Radio Link Simulation (Usually same with local IP)
-ngapIp: # gNB's local IP address for N2 Interface (Usually same with local IP)
-gtpIp: # gNB's local IP address for N3 Interface (Usually same with local IP)
+linkIp: # gNB's local IP address for Radio Link Simulation (Usually same with local IP)
+ngapIp: # gNB's local IP address for N2 Interface (Usually same with local IP)
+gtpIp: # gNB's local IP address for N3 Interface (Usually same with local IP)
# List of AMF address information
- - address:
+ - address:
port: 38412
# List of supported S-NSSAIs by this gNB
- sst: 0x1
sd: 0x010203
+ - sst: 0x1
+ sd: 0x112233
# Indicates whether or not SCTP stream number errors should be ignored.
ignoreStreamIds: true
start gnb
cd ~/UERANSIM/build
./nr-gnb -c ../config/free5gc-gnb.yaml
Login to free5gc portal and subscribe your ue
Browse to http://<core cluster master ipaddress>:30050
login with admin/free5gc
New subscriber -> accept all defaults -> Submit
Add the ue into proper topology group slice.
Run the below to add imsi-208930000000003
into 1-010203
curl -X POST http://<core cluster master ipaddress>:<smf-ext-nodeport>/ue-routes/1-010203/members/imsi-208930000000003
Log into OCM hub cluster
argo -n domain-operator-b submit workflows/argo-acm/fiveg-subnet.yaml --parameter-file workflows/argo-acm/subnet-010203.json --watch
wait for the flow to complete
NOTE: to delete a given subnetslice invoke the below setting fiveg_subnet_id
to its proper value
argo -n domain-operator-b submit workflows/argo-acm/fiveg-subnet-delete.yaml -p fiveg_subnet_id="fiveg-subnet-lx29w" --watch
Log into UE VM (
Customize free5gc-ue.yaml to use slice 010203
--- a/config/free5gc-ue.yaml
+++ b/config/free5gc-ue.yaml
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ imeiSv: '4370816125816151'
# List of gNB IP addresses for Radio Link Simulation
- -
+ -
# Initial PDU sessions to be established
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ configured-nssai:
# Default Configured NSSAI for this UE
- sst: 1
- sd: 1
# Supported encryption algorithms by this UE
Establish PDU session on this slice
sudo -s
cd ~/UERANSIM/build
./nr-ue -c ../config/free5gc-ue.yaml
Open another terminal on UE VM and perform the below to transfer data over this slice
curl --interface uesimtun0
Avi Weit - [email protected]
David Breitgand - [email protected]
This 5GZORRO component is published under Apache 2.0 license. Please see the LICENSE file for further details.