Bookly is a Flutter app designed with a focus on clean architecture and maintainability. It leverages both the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture and the BLoC (Business Logic Component) pattern to manage the application's data flow and user interface interactions seamlessly.
- 📚 Browse a collection of books.
- 🔍 Preview book details.
- 🛒 Preview & Purchase books.
- 🔄 Integrating with APIs and using Either package for better error handling.
- 🏗️ MVVM Architecture
- 🔧 BLoC Architecture
- 🖌️ Deep Dive in Flutter UI
- 🧹 Clean Code
- 🛠️ SOLID Principles
- ⚙️ Dependency Injection
- 🚫 Error Handling
- 🔗 Launch Custom URLs
- 📚 Google Books API: Documentation