SAMsift is a program for advanced filtering and tagging of SAM/BAM alignments using Python expressions.
git clone
cd samsift
# keep only alignments with alignment score >94
samsift/samsift -i tests/test.bam -o filtered.sam -f 'AS>94'
# add tags 'ln' with sequence length and 'ab' with average base quality
samsift/samsift -i tests/test.bam -o with_ln_ab.sam -c 'ln=len(SEQ);ab=1.0*sum(QUAL)/ln'
Using Bioconda:
# add all necessary Bioconda channels
conda config --add channels defaults
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels bioconda
# install samsift
conda install samsift
Using PIP from PyPI:
pip install --upgrade samsift
Using PIP from Github:
pip install --upgrade git+
usage: [-h] [-v] [-i file] [-o file] [-f py_expr] [-c py_code] [-d py_expr] [-t py_expr] Program: samsift (advanced filtering and tagging of SAM/BAM alignments using Python expressions) Version: 0.1.0 Author: Karel Brinda <[email protected]> optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --version show program's version number and exit -i file input SAM/BAM file [-] -o file output SAM/BAM file [-] -f py_expr filter [True] -c py_code code to be executed (e.g., assigning new tags) [None] -d py_expr debugging expression to print [None] -t py_expr debugging trigger [True]
if eval(DEBUG_TRIGER):
if eval(FILTER):
All Python expressions can access variables mirroring the fields from the alignment section of the SAM specification, i.e., QNAME, FLAG, RNAME, POS (1-based), MAPQ, CIGAR , RNEXT, PNEXT, TLEN, SEQ, and QUAL. For instance, keeping only reads with POS smaller than 10000 can be done by
samsift -i tests/test.bam -f 'POS<10000'
The PySAM representation of current alignment (class pysam.AlignedSegment) is available through variable a. Therefore, the previous example is equivalent to
samsift -i tests/test.bam -f 'a.reference_starts+1<10000'
All SAM tags are translated to variables with equal name. For instance, if alignment score is provided through the AS tag (as it is defined in the Sequence Alignment/Map Optional Fields Specification), then alignments with score smaller or equal to the sequence length can be removed using
samsift -i tests/test.bam -f 'AS>len(SEQ)'
If CODE is provided, all two-letter variables are back-translated to tags. For instance, a tag ab carrying the average base quality can be added by
samsift -i tests/test.bam -c 'ab=1.0*sum(QUAL)/ln'
- samtools view can filter alignments based on FLAGS, read group tags, and CIGAR strings.
- sambamba view supports, in addition to SAMtools, filtration using simple perl expression. However, it's not possible to compare different tags.
- bamPals adds tags XB, XE, XP and XL.
- SamJavascript can filter alignments using JavaScript expressions.