Folang is a functional language designed from the ground up to be transpiled into Go.
Its specification is heavily influenced by F#.
The Folang transpiler itself is written in Folang (self-hosted).
For more information, see What is Folang?.
package main
import frt
import slice
import strings
let main () =
[1; 2; 3]
|> slice.Map (frt.Sprintf1 "This is %d")
|> strings.Concat ", "
|> frt.Println
package main
import ""
import ""
import ""
func main() {
([]int{1, 2, 3}),
(func(_r0 []int) []string {
return slice.Map((func(_r0 int) string { return frt.Sprintf1("This is %d", _r0) }), _r0)
(func(_r0 []string) string {
return strings.Concat(", ", _r0)
})), frt.Println)
package main
import frt
let ApplyL fn tup =
let nl = frt.Fst tup |> fn
(nl, frt.Snd tup)
let add (a:int) b =
let main () =
(123, "hoge")
|> ApplyL (add 456)
|> frt.Printf1 "%v\n"
package main
import ""
func ApplyL[T0 any, T1 any, T2 any](fn func(T0) T1, tup frt.Tuple2[T0, T2]) frt.Tuple2[T1, T2] {
nl := frt.Pipe(frt.Fst(tup), fn)
return frt.NewTuple2(nl, frt.Snd(tup))
func add(a int, b int) int {
return (a + b)
func main() {
frt.NewTuple2(123, "hoge"),
(func(_r0 frt.Tuple2[int, string]) frt.Tuple2[int, string] {
return ApplyL((func(_r0 int) int { return add(456, _r0) }), _r0)
(func(_r0 frt.Tuple2[int, string]) { frt.Printf1("%v\n", _r0) }))
For other examples, see samples/
See tutorials/
Notes focusing on points that require attention, diff from F# and Golang.
- cmd Tools for making this site
- docs Documents, tutorials and specs.
- fc Folang transpiler
- pkg Folang standard library
- samples Samples used to check functionality during Folang development
- tinyfo Transpiler written in Go language used in the early days, no longer in use but kept for record keeping
Write down what I want to make.
- Can be written succinctly
- Can process slices in a pipeline
- Targets writing simple command line tools
- Can use Golang's rich packages
- Generated Go code is natural, and you can predict what kind of code will be generated
- Doesn't use lists or recursion much, and mainly uses slices
- At least code that can be debugged
- Lightweight single binary (deployed as Go code)
- Code of less than 5000 LOC runs smoothly
- Doesn't care much about performance
- Doesn't aim for ML or F# compatibility
- Doesn't aim to write everything without Go
- Rather, I would like to recommend a style where Go-friendly processing is written casually in Go and called from Folang
- Doesn't aim for completeness (it's OK even if there are strange restrictions as long as they are not used much)
- Can be written succinctly
Natural as Go - Generated code is natural as Go
ML-like goodness, consistency- let should be a statement
- Records should be simple structs
- Unions should be interfaces
- Exhaustive checks should be kept to a minimum
- Compromise with ad-hoc processing if practical
- Easy to implement
The greater than symbol is used to clarify relative priorities (the left side is the priority item, meaning that the first one is important for "being concise to write").