Inspired by this post by Victor Martinez of WatchSumo.
% ./blitzy -n 100 -r 2 -s get
It is way more fun to start distributed. Edit the provided config/config.exs
with whatever node name suits your fancy. This is optional, and you can stick to the provided one.
config :blitz, master_node: :"[email protected]"
config :blitz, slave_nodes: [:"[email protected]",
:"[email protected]",
:"[email protected]"]
Here, the master node is :[email protected]
; the rest are slave nodes.
Start up a couple of nodes, and name them accordingly. For example, here's how to start one of them:
% iex --name [email protected] -S mix
Now, when you run the the command
% ./blitzy -n 2 -r 2 -s get
the requests will be split across the number of nodes you created, including the master node. Here's an example run:
11:36:10.961 [info] Protocol 'inet_tcp': register/listen error: econnrefused
11:36:12.116 [info] worker [nonode@nohost-#PID<0.102.0>] completed in 1092.0 msecs with code 200
11:36:12.116 [info] worker [nonode@nohost-#PID<0.101.0>] completed in 1092.0 msecs with code 403
11:36:12.116 [info] worker [nonode@nohost-#PID<0.110.0>] completed in 0.0 msecs with code 200
11:36:12.116 [info] worker [nonode@nohost-#PID<0.111.0>] completed in 0.0 msecs with code 403
11:36:12.116 [info] Finished pummelling with get scenario and with 2 workers for 1 times over 1 nodes.
Total requests : 4
Total workers : 2
Successful reqs : 4
Failed reqs : 0
Average (msecs) : 546.0
Longest (msecs) : 1092.0
Shortest (msecs) : 0.0
RPS (secs) : 3.558718861209964
15:00:34.574 [info] worker [[email protected]#PID<0.178.0>] completed in 517.94 msecs
15:00:35.105 [info] worker [[email protected]#PID<0.185.0>] completed in 326.516 msecs
contains examples how to write scenario with several steps.
Every step (http request) should have unique name, otherwise it will not be possible to create html report for that particular request.
Consult httpoison documentation.
When you are done with scenario, you need to build blitzy with mix
Store you secrets in config/secrets.exs file.
When blitzy is finished, it creates cummulative results.txt
file in following format:
Field description: http request result :ok or :error, duration in milliseconds, http status code, request start timestamp as epoch, scenario method name
Generate report
When run is done:
./blitzy -o report_name.html -s scenario_name
install latest elixir for you os
mix local.hex
mix deps.get
MIX_ENV=test mix coveralls.html`
`open cover/excoveralls.html`
create branch in github
git fetch
git checkout branch_name
git push
create pull request using github
create tests for your contribution
run tests