This research was carried out as part of my Masters Thesis and the developed scripts is a Proof of concept to demonstrate how text classification model along with keywords/Yara rules can aid in identifying PII from pastes. Pastehunter was used as a scraper and I made use of the repo ( for scraping pastes from Pastebin. All additional scripts in the repository were developed as part of my thesis and the current setup is intended for Linux.
Following are the components developed:
Prefilter - Eliminate source code and empty pastes using keywords and MIME types.
Model - Feeding the filtered pastes to a Machine Learning model to predict PII.
Database - Filtered pastes are stored in a sqlite database and predicted paste IDs can be fetched from the database.
In the current setup after Pastehunter is started, the script can be invoked in a new tab to predict PII. Once the model predicts a paste as PII it saves the paste content along with the metadata into a sqlite database. The current setup only works if the output format is configured to 'json' in Pastehunter.
PasteHunter PasteHunter is a python3 application that is designed to query a collection of sites that host publicly pasted data. For all the pastes it finds it scans the raw contents against a series of Yara rules looking for information that can be used by an organisation or a researcher.
For setup instructions please see the official documentation
Supported Inputs Pastehunter currently has support for the following sites: # Gists # Public commit activity feed
stackexchange # There are about 176!
Supported Outputs Pastehunter supports several output modules:
dump to ElasticSearch DB (default).
Email alerts (SMTP).
Slack Channel notifications.
Dump to JSON file.
Dump to CSV file.
Send to syslog.
Supported Sandboxes Pastehunter supports several sandboxes that decoded data can be sent to:
For examples of data discovered using pastehunter check out my posts and
If your interested in my thesis or need more information about the work done feel free to contact me. Thanks :)