#Awesome talks
There are a lot of screencasts, recordings of user group gatherings and conference talks available online. I try to commit myself watching at least two new talks every week, and I've been doing this for quite some time now. I created this list of online talks that I really enjoyed watching. I'll also be updating this list whenever I've watched another awesome talk that is worthy enough. Suggestions are always appreciated through a pull request. So without further ado ..
(In no particular order)
- The Computer Revolution hasn't happend yet by Alan Kay
- The Future of Programming by Bret Victor
- Programming is terrible - Lessons learned from a life wasted by Thomas Figg
- The Land that Scrum Forgot by Robert C. Martin
- Architecture the Lost Years by Robert C. Martin
- The Mistake at the Heart of Agile (and how to get past it) by Michael Feathers
- A Lecture on Creativity by John Cleese
- Functional Principles for Object-Oriented Developers by Jessica Kerr
- Adventures in Functional Programming by Jim Weirich
- Deconstructing Functional Programming by Gilad Bracha
- The Actor Model by Hewitt, Meijer and Szyperski
- Stop Writing Classes by Jack Diederich
- DDD: putting the model to work by Eric Evans
- Unleash Your Domain by Greg Young
- Strategic Design by Eric Evans
- Reliability, Availability, and Scalability by Udi Dahan
- Implementing Micro Service Architectures by Fred George
- Crafting Wicked Domain Models by Jimmy Bogard
- Crockford on JavaScript by Douglas Crockford
- Introduction to Node.js by Ryan Dahl
- WAT by Gary Bernardt
- Hey Underscore, You're Doing It Wrong! by Brian Lonsdorf
- Community.js by Chris Williams
- An End to Negativity by Chris Williams
- Is Node.js Better by Brian Ford
- The Web We Lost by Anil Dash
- Are We There Yet? by Rich Hickey
- Simple Made Easy by Rich Hickey
- TDD, where did it all go wrong by Ian Cooper
- Holistic testing by Jimmy Bogard
- Adopting Continuous Delivery by Jez Humble
- How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters by Josh Bloch