- Pro
Generate a pydantic.BaseModel with parameter verification function from the Python Message object(by the Protobuf file).
TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
Exclude machine-translated sites of Stack Exchange from Google search results
header only, dependency-free deep learning framework in C++14
Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK), an open source deep-learning toolkit
uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean.
Simple alternative to Charles Proxy Trick.
Lepton is a tool and file format for losslessly compressing JPEGs by an average of 22%.
export framebuffer, GBuffer or any RenderTextures from Unity to file. supported format: png, exr, gif, webm, mp4
Sample apps built using the Xamarin.Forms framework
Material Design Components in HTML/CSS/JS
Multiple samples showing the best practices in location APIs on Android.
A UI/UX framework for creating beautiful applications.
Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite
Adapter to enable broadcasting of events to multiple separate socket.io server nodes.
Node TDS module for connecting to SQL Server databases.
Simple nodejs box vagrant configuration (trusty64, nodejs, git, bower...)
A curated list of awesome Phalcon libraries and resources
Sample classic chat development using Phalcon Framework
PHP HMAC Restful API that uses Phalcon Micro framework