- Hamburg, Germany
- https://www.kluks.de
- @ksikluks
- in/ksikluks
Some simple examples for new Prolog programmers
ranmocy / guard-rails
Forked from johnbintz/guard-railsGuard-Rails is watching on your development servers as you wish!
kassi / NinjaKit
Forked from os0x/NinjaKityet another greasemonkey
Sublime Text 2 Plugin extending the functionality of Git Plugin
kassi / st2-perltidy
Forked from vifo/SublimePerlTidySublime Text 2 Perltidy Plugin
🌈 Default theme for Sublime Text for OS X Terminal and iTerm
kassi / codersdojo_client
Forked from it-agile/codersdojo_clientCodersDojo Client
Language Savant. If your repository's language is being reported incorrectly, send us a pull request!
Add Facebook Like, Tweet, Google Plus, Tumblr, Evernote, Hatena Bookmark, mixi check and gree button to your Movable Type blog
A Movable Type and Melody plugin that adds support for contact forms on your web site.
a code metric tool for rails projects