- Description
- Deployment Link
- Installation
- Technologies Used
- Deliverables
- Planning/Build Process
- Challenges
- Wins
- Key Learnings & Takeaways
- Future Improvements
Collection of links to some browser games I created.
- package manager used: npm (v9.5.0)
- to install dependencies, run:
npm install
This application is based in ReactJS (v18.3.1) and SCSS(v^1.77.8).
package manager: npm (v10.8.1)
the app was created using the 'create-react-app' command
npx create-react-app .
- react-router-dom (v6.23.1)
- framer-motion (v11.3.17)
- fonts:
- 'Press Start 2P' designed by CodeMan38
- icons:
- iconify
- fontawesome
- Git / GitHub
- used for version control
- https://git-scm.com/
- https://github.com/
- Visual Studio Code (VSCode)
- code editor used for writing CSS, JSX and JavaScript
- Google Chrome browser
- used for launching the website and displaying the application Google Chrome
- Google Chrome Developer Tools: For troubleshooting and debugging
- chatGTP
- https://chat.openai.com/
- used for debugging
- Hostinger: provider used to host the game online
- Excalidraw
- used for building the wireframe
- https://excalidraw.com/
- routing:
- react-router docs: Migrating to RouterProvider:
- blogs:
- Youtube:
- page transitions
- framer-motion docs:
- Youtube:
- matrix effect canvas:
- neon button hover effect (landing page):
a git repository hosted on Github, including:
- a link to the hosted game
- frequent commits dating back to the very beginning of the project
- code that is well-formatted and well-commented
- semantic markup for HTML and CSS while adhering to best practices
- adherence to KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) and DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principles
a website with the following features:
- links to browser games
- links to contact information -> email, GitHub, LinkedIn and other relevant links
- have a mobile-responsive design
- animations
- sound effects
This was a solo project I built over the course of '' days.
- As a user, I should be able to navigate the website without effort.
- As a user, I should be able to find links to different online games easily.
- As a user, I should be able to quickly find the developer's contact information including email, LinkedIn and GitHub accounts.
- As a user, I should be able to navigate the website from any device.
The build process for the individual games can be found in the readme file of their original repository:
- TicTacToe repo - https://github.com/katieloesch/tictactoe-react
- Hangman repo - https://github.com/katieloesch/rock-paper-scissors-react
- Rock Paper Scissors repo - https://github.com/katieloesch/simon-react
- Simon repo - https://github.com/katieloesch/hangman-react
- create-react-app
- react-router -> set up a route for each game
- canvas: matrix effect
I wanted the background to look like the matrix effect so I created a canvas element and some JS code for the animation.
- main menu
- game buttons
- add google font
- change folder structure to separte pages into different directory than components
- update routing from BrowserRouter, Routes, Route to createBrowserRouter, RouterProvider
- install framer motion
- matrix effect backdrop didn't take a lot of time to create and I was please with the result.