docker build -t activator -f Dockerfile-activator .
docker build -t sources -f Dockerfile-sources .
is a base image for sources
. It need to build only once, then evert time that sources change, rebuild sources
cd akka-sample-cluster
docker run -d -it -e "THIS_IP=" -e "AKKA_SAMPLE_THIS_PORT=2551" -e "AKKA_SAMPLE_SEED_IP_1=" -e "AKKA_SAMPLE_SEED_PORT_1=2551" -e "AKKA_SAMPLE_SEED_IP_2=" -e "AKKA_SAMPLE_SEED_PORT_2=2552" -p "2551:2551" --name akka-sample-backend-1 sources ./bin/activator "runMain sample.cluster.factorial.FactorialBackend"
docker run -d -it -e "THIS_IP=" -e "AKKA_SAMPLE_THIS_PORT=2552" -e "AKKA_SAMPLE_SEED_IP_1=" -e "AKKA_SAMPLE_SEED_PORT_1=2551" -e "AKKA_SAMPLE_SEED_IP_2=" -e "AKKA_SAMPLE_SEED_PORT_2=2552" -p "2552:2552" --name akka-sample-backend-2 sources ./bin/activator "runMain sample.cluster.factorial.FactorialBackend"
docker run -d -it -e "THIS_IP=" -e "AKKA_SAMPLE_SEED_IP_1=" -e "AKKA_SAMPLE_SEED_PORT_1=2551" -e "AKKA_SAMPLE_SEED_IP_2=" -e "AKKA_SAMPLE_SEED_PORT_2=2552" --name akka-sample-frontend sources ./bin/activator "runMain sample.cluster.factorial.FactorialFrontend"
with IP of your Docker machine (docker-machine env
Pushing images to GKE: doc
In my case:
docker tag sources
gcloud docker push
Note: Don't forget to change image names in yaml files to what you're really pushing to GKE registry.
Creating GKE cluster: doc
gcloud container clusters akka-cluster-3 | grep username
gcloud container clusters akka-cluster-3 | grep password
Note: Don't forget to change to your cluster's name
kubectl cluster-info
kubectl create -f discovery-svc.yaml
kubectl create -f backend-seed.yaml
kubectl create -f frontend.yaml
Note: the deployments are set to have replicas=0
To start up the cluster:
kubectl scale --replicas=2 deployment/cluster-backend-seed
kubectl scale --replicas=1 deployment/cluster-frontend
In order to be able to join for node in Akka Cluster, it should know cluster seed nodes IPs and ports. When ports could be fixed, IPs in K8S are dynamic.
To provide dynamic discovery for seed nodes you can use etcd, ConstructR or K8S built-in headless service functionality. This project uses headless service approach. The idea of this approach is to create a headless service and set spec.clusterIP
to None
. Selector for this service in my case (discovery-svc.yaml
in root directory) is
name: seed-node
And associated selector in spec in backend-seed.yaml
is seed-node
. So when you first deploy discovery service and then backend seed nodes, all pods created from backend-seed.yaml deployment will show up as IPs associated with discovery-svc.default.svc.cluster.local
domain. That's how each seed node finds all previously registered currently running seed nodes' IPs, same mechanism applies to regular non-seed nodes as well.