This is a work-in-progress user interface for the ethereum cryptocurrency and distrtibuted, trustless, computation platform.
The UI uses node-webkit as a base and Zend Foundation as a UI library. The current proposal is to use nodes child_process exec or spawn methods to send CLI input to ethereum clients. Currently there are 5,perhaps 6 cients, each with it's own blockchain, currently incompatible with the others. Clients:
- C++
- Go
- Python
- Mutang Compiler
- Serpent Compiler
- Ethereum JS library*
-- app/ -> main files
-- csom/ -> source files for package manager dependy lists
-- vendor/ -> external libraries not available on bower or requiring manual selection
-- .bowerrc -> forces bower to install files in the root directory, prevents brunch fail
-- Cakefile -> Install/build/compile scripts
-- -> brunch config
-- db/server.js -> old tryetherem db and server, useful as a template for CLI cmds
Install things
cake install
Compile and launch the node-webkit app
cake start
Good for dev, open index.html in public/, this watches the src and doesnt build the nw app
cake dev
Try Ethereum with an online interface
You need nodejs, mongo-db and the coffeescript node module installed, the rest of the dependencies should take care of themselves.
If a build failure occurs, look in Cakefile, that's where all the tasks are.
Also install python 2.7.5+ if you don't have it.
Quickstart for *ubuntu systems:
sudo apt-get install nodejs && sudo npm install -g coffee-script
echo 'deb dist 10gen' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mongodb-org=2.6.0 mongodb-org-server=2.6.0 mongodb-org-shell=2.6.0 mongodb-org-mongos=2.6.0 mongodb-org-tools=2.6.0
sudo service mongod start
Then get out of su and run:
sudo cake build
You can also run "sudo cake -s build" to skip git cloning pyethereum and serpent and installing bower, git and pip
If you get an error from the server related to pyethtool command not found
Include the files in pyethereum/bin in your path or copy them to /usr/local/bin on ubuntu based OSs -
Sometimes mongo might get derpy.
sudo pkill -9 mongodb
sudo mongod --repair
Now you can run things from the cakefile again.
- Express might not close or release port 3000, you'll get a Error: listen EADDRINUSE
sudo fuser -k 3000/tcp
That should fix it.
Alternatively you could try
sudo cake fix:bugs
Compilation and launching the node-webkit application is currently a two step process.
sudo cake -s build
sudo cake start
- Hooks for c++ implementation install
- UI
Planning on phasing out mongodb and switching to brunch as a build tool. Therefore install brunch
npm install brunch
For devs:
sudo cake [opts] cmd
sudo cake install -> installs pyethereum, serpent, converts JSON files, runs npm install
sudo cake -s install -> skips getting pyethereum and serpent
sudo cake start -> builds with brunch, zips and launches the nodewebkit possible options: -w -> watch for changes -n -> skip building, just launch the app
brunch w -> builds out public directory and watches app/ for changes, good for development, launch public/index.html in your browser, still no livereload, but easier to plug in.
sudo cake dev -> compiles app to public, watches public, watches cson folder for changes, installing npm/bower if detected. Good for development, view the app by opening public/index.html in your browser