The Mountain is a futuristic novel; which shows the poteintial destructive nature of organized religion.
I am looking for people to help me write this novel.
Sometime within the distant future, thousands of years from now, an archeologist team is digging on the largest mountain in the world. The Mountain is 10 times larger than Mt. Everest. Through their exploration they reveal that the mountain was man-made. Further on in the book, they realize that the Mountain was made over a land known as, "The Holy Land". They are shocked because all record of these religions and the Holy Land was removed from record.
At this time, there is a common philosophy of life shared by everyone. There is world peace. Religious fanaticism doesn't exist; however, the new discoveries feed a ferver and curiosity for the past. Factions rise, people cling to fear and damnation as instruments of power.
War ensues...
Humanity is torn apart...
What happens next?