This package provides some simple tools for streaming rigid body and marker data from Motive to disk, using OptiTrack's NatNet MATLAB client.
- Streaming from Motive to disk (Streamer.m)
- Loading previously streamed data into MATLAB (loadMtvFile.m)
- Identifying LEDs pulses for synchronization (extractSyncPulses.m)
- MATLAB r2017a or later
- MATLAB logging framework
- NaturalPoint Motive software (tested on v2, but should also work with v1)
- Clone this repository and place it on your MATLAB path
- Install the MATLAB logging framework
- Configure your Motive software to broadcast tracking data in "multicast" mode
Once you've followed the setup instructions above, you can acquire data as demonstrated by this example code snippet:
% Create a Streamer object and acquire 60 seconds of data from 2 rigid bodies and 20 markers
streamer = matmot.Streamer('nRigidBodies', 2, 'nMarkers', 20);
After finishing streaming, the data on disk can be loaded into MATLAB with the function loadMtvFile()