creator for Reconfigurable hw Component
Author: Kazushi Yamashina
Copyright: 2017, Kazushi Yamashina
License: new BSD License
Latest Version: 1.5.2
Contact: or Twitter
The cReComp is a code generator and framework for componentization of a single hardware or the multiple hardware. The component generated by the cReComp is HW/SW co-system that is connected between CPU and FPGA (reconfigurable hw). The cReComp is possible to debug and test single hardware with software in a user development phase. When the development of a each hardware have been finished, the cReComp generates one of the HW/SW co-system by integrating the each of the hardware.
ROS is an open source project by OSRF (Open Source Robotics Foundation). It is not an operating system but a software platform for component-oriented development of robotic application software on an OS. Communication library and a build system for robotic application software are provided in ROS. cReComp can generated ROS-compliant component which is included FPGA processing.
- 2016/11/29 version 1.5.1
- Added testbench generation. You can generate a testbench with option "-t".
- 2016/11/29 version 1.5.0
- cReComp can generate a ROS package with Python code. So, you can use the component more easy.
- The Component generation with C++ is unable, since the function is debugging now.
- 2016/07/25 version 1.4.0
- scrp_parser was improved functionally and become to be able to parse more accurately
- 2016/07/05 version 1.3.0
- scrp supported ROS packages generation
- 2016/07/04 version 1.1.0 & 1.2.0
- cReComp supported configuration with scrp (specification for cReComp)
- cReComp supported ROS package generation
- 2016/06/30 version 1.0.0
- Released first version
Ubuntu or OSX (Mac)
Bash on Ubuntu on Windows may be OK.
sudo apt-get install python
sudo apt-get install iverilog
brew install icarus-verilog
pip install jinja2
git clone
cd pyverilog/
python install
git clone
cd veriloggen/
python install
Download from github & install
git clone
cd cReComp/
python install
Package install
pip install crecomp
Usage: crecomp [option] [file name] [-u user logic path]+
-h, --help show this help message and exit
specifier your user logic name
specifier for template name
specifier for template name
specifier target scrp file to build for componentize
generate testbench of target user logic
- Kazushi Yamashina, Takeshi Ohkawa, Kanemitsu Ootsu, Takashi Yokota, ``cReComp: Automated Design Tool for ROS-Compliant FPGA Component,'' IEEE 10th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip (MCSoC-16) @ Lyon, France, 2016.9
- Kazushi Yamashina, Takeshi Ohkawa, Kanemitsu Ootsu, Takashi Yokota, ``Functional improvement of cReComp Design tool for software-component generation of FPGA processing, RECONF @ Toyama, Japan, 2016.9
- Kazushi Yamashina, Hitomi Kimura, Takeshi Ohkawa, Kanemitsu Ootsu, Takashi Yokota, ``Automatic Design Environment for Componentization of an FPGA Processing in ROS,'' Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, SCI'16 @ Kyoto, Japan, 2016.5