Dot Files for Mac OS X.
Forked from Ryan Bates Dot File.
Uses Oh My ZSH.
You should have Homebrew installed. Homebrew can be installed as follows:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Run the following commands in your terminal. It will prompt you before it does anything destructive.
git clone git:// ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
rake install
After installing, open a new terminal window to see the effects.
Feel free to customize the .zshrc file to match your preference.
If you're using git, you'll notice the current branch name shows up in the prompt while in a git repository.
There are several features enabled in Ruby's irb including history and completion. Many convenience methods are added as well such as "ri" which can be used to get inline documentation in IRB. See irbrc file for details.
To remove the dotfile configs, run the following commands. Be certain to double check the contents of the files before removing so you don't lose custom settings.
unlink ~/.bin
unlink ~/.gitignore
unlink ~/.gemrc
unlink ~/.gvimrc
unlink ~/.irbrc
unlink ~/.vim
unlink ~/.vimrc
unlink ~/.zshrc # careful here
rm ~/.gitconfig
rm -rf ~/.dotfiles
rm -rf ~/.oh-my-zsh
chsh -s /bin/bash # change back to Bash if you want
Then open a new terminal window to see the effects.