Links to slides to talks at the 2019 rstudio::conf
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Videos of the talks are at
RStudio blog post with links to all workshops' materials:
- Advanced R Markdown
- Applied Machine Learning
- Big Data with R
- Data Science in the Tidyverse
- Deep learning with R (Tensorflow) day 1 and day 2
- Introduction to Shiny and R Markdown workshop
- Shiny in Production
- Rstudio Pro Products Admin Training
- Train-the-trainer workshop
- What they forgot to teach you about R
Colin Fay, @_ColinFay, Building big Shiny Apps, blogpost
Alex Gold, @alexkgold, Upgrading to R: Tips and mistakes you don't have to make; see also blog post for slide-by-slide extended narrative
Leonard Kiefer, @lenkiefer, Using R to Analyze Economic and Housing Market Trends
Ted Laderas, @tladeras, and Jessica Minnier, @datapointier, Democratizing data science using Shiny and LearnR
Nick Strayer, @nicholasstrayer, Multimorbidity explorer: A shiny app for exploring EHR and biobank data
Nick Tierney, @njtierney, A Missing Data Carol: Ghosts of Missing Data Past, Present, and Future
Jeremy Wildfire, @jwildfire, Modernizing the clinical trial analysis pipeline with R and JavaScript
Hiroaki Yutani, @yutannihilat_en, Introduction to gghighlight
Tareef Kawaf, @tareefk, Welcome and RStudio Vision
Karthik Ram, @_inundata, rOpenSci, A guide to modern reproducible data science with R
Jeffrey Arnold, @jrnold, Insight, Solving R for data science (solutions to R4DS exercises)
Kara Woo, @kara_woo, Sage Bionetworks, Box plots: A case study in debugging and perseverance (the PR of interest)
Amelia McNamara, @AmeliaMN, University of St. Thomas, Working with categorical data in R without losing your mind (related paper from the DSS collection)
Jonathan McPherson, @jmcphers, RStudio, New language features in RStudio 1.2, (example code and data)
Edgar Ruiz, @theotheredgar, RStudio, Databases using R: The latest
Kelly O’Briant, @kellrstats, RStudio, Configuration management tools for the R admin
Heather & Jacqueline Nolis, @heatherklus and @skyetetra, Nolis, LLC, Push straight to prod: API development with R and Tensorflow at T-Mobile
Mark Sellors, @sellorm, Mango Solutions, R in production
Jeff Allen, RStudio, RStudio Connect: Past, present, and future
Sean Lopp, RStudio, Announcing RStudio Package Manager
Jesse Mostipak, @kierisi, Teaching Trust, R4DS online learning community: Improvements to self-taught data science & the critical need for diversity, equity, and inclusion in data science education
Irene Steves, @i_steves, Teaching data science with puzzles
Kelly Nicole Bodwin, @kellybodwin, California Polytechnic State University, Introductory statistics with R: Easing the transition to software for beginner students (github repo)
Tracy Teal, @tracykteal, The Carpentries, Teaching R using inclusive pedagogy: Practices and lessons learned from over 700 Carpentries workshops
Darby Hadley, RStudio, RStudio Job Launcher: Changing where we run R stuff
Javier Luraschi, @javierluraschi, RStudio, Scaling R with Spark
James Blair, @blair09m, RStudio, Democratizing R with Plumber APIs
Brooke Watson, @brookLYNevery1, ACLU, R at the ACLU: Joining tables to reunite families
Emily Robinson, @robinson_es, Data Scientist at DataCamp, Building an A/B testing analytics system with R and Shiny
Nic Crane, @nic_crane, Elucidata, The future’s Shiny: Pioneering genomic medicine in R
Joe Rickert, @rstudiojoe, RStudio, R Consortium initiatives in medicine
Earo Wang, @earowang, Monash University, Melt the clock: Tidy time series analysis
Tyler Morgan-Wall, @tylermorganwall, Institute for Defense Analyses, 3D mapping, plotting, and printing with rayshader
Edzer Pebesma, @edzerpebesma & Michael Sumner, Etienne Racine, Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Muenster, Germany, Spatial data science in the Tidyverse
Thomas Lin Pedersen, @thomasp85, RStudio, gganimate live cookbook
Alex Hayes, @alexpghayes, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Solving the model representation problem with broom
Sigrid Keydana, @zkajdan, RStudio, Why TensorFlow eager execution matters
Max Kuhn, @topepos, RStudio, parsnip: A tidy model interface
Claus Wilke, @clauswilke, The University of Texas at Austin, Visualizing uncertainty with hypothetical outcomes plots
Matt Dancho, @mdancho84, Business Science, Using R, the Tidyverse, H2O, and Shiny to reduce employee attrition
Hao Zhu, @haozhu233, Hebrew SeniorLife – Institute for Aging Research, Empowering a data team with RStudio addins (example/demo)
Karl Broman, University of Wisconsin, R/qtl2: Rewrite of a very old R package
Amanda Gadrow, @ajmcoqui, RStudio, Getting it right: Writing reliable and maintainable R code
- Felienne, @felienne, LIACS - Universiteit Leiden,
Explicit direct instruction in programming education
James (JD) Long, @CMastication, Renaissance Re, Putting empathy in action: Building a `community of practice' for analytics in a global corporation
Tonya Filz, @TonyaFilz, RStudio, The resilient R champion
Hilary Parker, @hspter, Stitch Fix, Cultivating creativity in data work
Angela Bassa, @AngeBassa, iRobot, Data science as a team sport
Gabor Csardi, @GaborCsardi, RStudio, pkgman: A fresh approach to package installation
Jim Hester, @jimhester_, RStudio, It depends: A dialog about dependencies
Jeroen Ooms, @opencpu, rOpenSci, A preview of Rtools 4.0
Miles McBain, @MilesMcBain, ACEMS, Queensland University of Technology, Our colour of magic: The open sourcery of fantastic R packages
Garrett Grolemund, @StatGarrett, RStudio, R Markdown: The bigger picture
Yihui Xie, @xieyihui, RStudio, pagedown: Creating beautiful PDFs with R Markdown and CSS (pagedown github repo)
Rich Iannone, @riannone, RStudio, Introducing the gt package
Mike K Smith, @MikeKSmith, Pfizer Ltd, The lazy and easily distracted report writer: Using rmarkdown and parameterized reports
Caitlin Hudon, @beeonaposy, R-Ladies Austin, Learning from eight years of data science mistakes
Mary Rudis, @mrshrbrmstr, Penn State Harrisburg, Catching the R wave: How R and RStudio are revolutionizing statistics education in community colleges (and beyond)
Carl Howe, @cdhowe, RStudio, The next million R users
Hadley Wickham, @hadleywickham, RStudio, vctrs: Tools for making size and type consistent functions
Jenny Bryan, @jennybryan, RStudio, Tidy eval in context
Lionel Henry, @_lionelhenry, RStudio, Working with names and expressions in your tidy eval code
Jesse Sadler, @vivalosburros, independent researcher, Learning and using the tidyverse for historical research
Eric Nantz, @thercast, Eli Lilly, Effective use of Shiny modules in application development
Barret Schloerke, @schloerke, RStudio, Reactlog 2.0: Debugging the state of Shiny
Alan Dipert, @alandipert, RStudio, Integrating React.js and Shiny
Ian Fellows, Fellows Statistics, Don't let long running tasks hang your users: introducing ipc for Shiny
- Edgar Ruiz (@theotheredgar),
Angela Bassa (@AngeBassa),
Karthik Ram (@_inundata),
Hilary Parker (@hspter),
Tracy Teal (@tracykteal),
Growth & change of careers, organizations and responsibility in data science
Jacqueline Nolis, @skyetetera, T-Mobile, rstudio::conf 2019 takeaways: Serious Shiny, R in Production, and Data Science Skill Growth
Athanasia Monika Mowinckel, @DrMowinckels, Center for Lifespan Changes in Brain and Cognition, Oslo, Norway, Why RStudio::conf is the best conference experience I have had
Julia Silge, @juliasilge, StackExchange, Feeling the rstudio::conf ❤️
Sean Lopp, @lopp_sean, RStudio, rstudio::conf 2019 — The theme you may have missed!
Laura Ellis, @LittleMissData, IBM, R Studio Conf 2019 - Easing your FOMO with R Resources
Brooke Watson, @brookLYNevery1, ACLU, Rstudio::conf 2019: lessons learned
Hannah Frick for Mango Solutions, rstudio::conf 2019 roundup
Hernando Cortina @cortinah, Climate change: Modeling 140+ years of temperature data with tsibble and fable
Zev Ross, @zevross, 15 new ideas and new tools for R gathered from the RStudio Conference 2019
Ryan Johnson, @ryjohnson09, RStudio Conference Recap
Sam Tyner, @sctyner, Iowa State University, Lessons learned at rstudio::conf
Eric Scott, LeafyEricScott, Tufts University, RStudio::conf reflections
Eric Nantz, @thercast, R-Podcast episode 26: the podcast trifecta from
Pranav Dar, Top 10 Presentations from rstudio::conf 2019 – The Best R Conference of the Year!
Ryo Nakagawara, @R_by_Ryo, My #TidyverseDevDay and #RStudioConf 2019 Reflections!
Ted Laderas, @tladeras, Rstudio Conf 2019: Education and Organizations
(in Portuguese) Bruna Wundervald, @bwundervald, Resumo da rstudio::conf 2019