A bark cli written by Rust.
Bark is a free, lightweight, push app for your iPhone with a simple interface call. Official website
- Clear command line interface
- Config file support
- Encrypt message before push
- Encryption support: aes_256_cbc, aes_192_cbc, aes_128_cbc, aes_256_ecb, aes_192_ecb, aes_128_ecb
Push to your iPhone with text, links and more!
Usage: barsk.exe [OPTIONS] <BODY>
Push content
-t, --title <TITLE>
The title will be shown on the notification bar
-c, --copy <COPY>
The content will be copied to clipboard or <BODY>
-C, --auto-copy
Auto copy the content to clipboard. Available under iOS 14.5
--url <URL>
The URL will be opened when the notification is clicked
-r, --call
Rings continuously for 30 seconds
--icon <ICON>
The icon url will be shown in the notification bar. Available above iOS 15
-b, --badge <BADGE>
The badge number will be shown in the app icon
-s, --server <SERVER>
The server url for push message
-d, --device-key <DEVICE_KEY>
The device key for push message
-a, --archive
Archiving the message to history. use --no-archive/-A to disable
-l, --level <LEVEL>
The push interruption level. Simple as --active, --time-sensitive (alias --instant), --passive
[possible values: active, time-sensitive, instant, passive]
-g, --group <GROUP>
The group name in history messages
--sound <SOUND>
The sound name or sound url will be played
-e, --encrypt
Push the encrypted message to server. Use --no-encrypt/-E to disable
-m, --method <METHOD>
Encryption method. Can be aes128cbc aes192cbc aes256cbc aes128ecb aes192ecb aes256ecb
[default: aes128cbc]
--aes-key <AES_KEY>
The AES key for encryption
--aes-iv <AES_IV>
The AES initialization vector for encryption
-F, --config <CONFIG_FILE>
The config file path
-z, --thats-all
Don't use any config file, it means run without adding any unspecified arguments
-p, --dry-run
Print message instead of sending it
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-V, --version
Print version
"server": "https://api.day.app",
"device_key": "<KEY>",
"encrypt": true,
"method": "aes256cbc",
"aes_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"aes_iv": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"group": "Test",
"sound": "birdsong"