Exploring the use of graph networks through Neo4j for visualising relationships between stocks in the London Stock Exchange.
The project is built using Docker Containers through a Docker Compose.
- App Container
Includes the functions and classes to:
- Read the data from the CloudIEX API
- Write it to the Postgres database
- Format it to obtain percentage change
- Calculate correlations
- Push back into the Neo4j database
Postgres Database
Neo4j Database
Make sure there exists a file called vars.env with the correct credential information.
To start up the containers run:
docker-compose up -d
Then go into the 'app' container by using:
docker-compose exec app bash
Inside this container you can now execute the different commands using the CLI:
root@d0df06670440:/app# python3 main.py -h
usage: main.py [-h] {gs,p,cor,neo} ...
Stock exploration using Graph Networks
positional arguments:
{gs,p,cor,neo} Action type to perform
gs 'gs' for getting Symbols from the API
p 'p' for fetching prices from the API
cor + 'cor' for calculating the pairwise correlations between
the stocks, this command has 3 arguments: + '-sd' : start
date for price data (YYYY-MM-DD) + '-ed' : end data for
price data + '-ns' : number of stocks to correlate (these
are ordered by transaction volume over the previous period)
neo Add stock data to Neo4j database
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
The arguments for each of the functions can be found by adding the -h flag to the command. For example, to see arguments for the 'cor' function, use:
python3 main.py cor -h
Which returns:
root@d0df06670440:/app# python3 main.py cor -h
usage: main.py cor [-h] [-sd START_DATE] [-ed END_DATE] [-ns NUM_STOCKS]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-sd START_DATE, --start-date START_DATE
Format is YYYY-MM-DD
-ed END_DATE, --end-date END_DATE
Format is YYYY-MM-DD
-ns NUM_STOCKS, --num-stocks NUM_STOCKS
To explore the data in the Postgres database use a Database IDE to connect to the Postgres database, with the following parameters:
- host: localhost
- port: 5432
User, password and database should match those defined in the Docker-Compose file.
For access to the Neo4j database, use the built in GUI. It can be accessed from localhost:7474