markdown-content Public
Forked from aerobatic/markdown-contentMarkdown content for the www.aerobatic.io website
1 UpdatedOct 2, 2020 -
ansible-role-nodejs Public
Forked from geerlingguy/ansible-role-nodejsAnsible Role - Node.js
eslint-plugin-ember Public
Forked from ember-cli/eslint-plugin-emberAn ESlint plugin that provides set of rules for Ember Applications based on commonly known good practices.
grafana Public
Forked from grafana/grafanaThe tool for beautiful monitoring and metric analytics & dashboards for Graphite, InfluxDB & Prometheus & More
webpagetest-api Public
Forked from catchpoint/WebPageTest.api-nodejsWebPageTest API wrapper for NodeJS
example-app Public
Forked from angular-redux/example-appExample using @angular-redux/store, @angular-redux/router, and @angular-redux/form together with the Angular CLI
awesome-angular-components Public
Forked from brillout/awesome-angular-componentsCatalog of Angular 2+ Components & Libraries
d3-ng2-circle-packing Public
Forked from ygaller/d3-ng2-circle-packingAn Angular implementation of D3's circle packing algorithm using Redux, separated into a visualization component and a data service
angular-async-local-storage Public
Forked from cyrilletuzi/angular-async-local-storageEfficient local storage module for Angular : simple API based on native localStorage API, but internally stored via the asynchronous IndexedDB API for performance, and wrapped in RxJS observables t…
router_lazyloading Public
Forked from vsavkin/router_lazyloading -
learn-typescript Public
Forked from panaverse/learn-typescriptLearning TypeScript in Baby Steps
angular2-community-faq Public
Forked from escardin/angular2-community-faq -
hexo Public
Forked from hexojs/hexoA fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.
angular2-education Public
Forked from timjacobi/angular-educationA curated list of helpful material to get started with education on Angular 2
1 UpdatedApr 26, 2016 -
pm2 Public
Forked from Unitech/pm2Production process manager for Node.js apps with a built-in load balancer
analytics.js Public
Forked from segmentio/analytics.jsThe hassle-free way to integrate analytics into any web application.
nodejs-test-case Public
Forked from oneuphigher/nodejs-test-case1UP nodejs test case
code-standards Public
Forked from isobar-us/code-standardsIsobar Front-end development coding standards. Memorize them BY HEART.
ng2-test-seed Public
Forked from juliemr/ng2-test-seedWork in Progress - Example, cloneable setup for an Angular2 application with tests.
Node.js-Best-Practices Public
Forked from alanjames1987/Node.js-Best-PracticesIf you want to improve these best practices in any way please don't hesitate to create a pull request.
pencilblue Public
Forked from pencilblue/pencilblueA full featured Node.js CMS and blogging platform (plugins, server cluster management, data-driven pages)
javascript Public
Forked from airbnb/javascriptJavaScript Style Guide
javascript-patterns Public
Forked from chuanxshi/javascript-patternsJavaScript Patterns
express-passport-app Public
Forked from eiriklv/express-passport-appExpress 4.x application with Passport and React
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 17, 2015 -
Design-Patterns-in-Javascript Public
Forked from tcorral/Design-Patterns-in-JavascriptDesign Patterns applied to Javascript code.
JavaScript UpdatedApr 2, 2015 -
node-rest-client Public
Forked from grawk/node-rest-clientREST API client from node.js
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 25, 2015 -
node-express-mongoose-demo Public
Forked from defunctzombie/node-express-mongoose-demoA simple demo app in node.js using express, mongoose, passport.js for beginners
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 16, 2015