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Plugin for calling lazygit from within neovim.

See akinsho/nvim-toggleterm or voldikss/vim-floaterm as an alternative to this package.


Install using vim-plug:

" nvim v0.7.2
Plug 'kdheepak/lazygit.nvim'

Install using packer.nvim:

-- nvim v0.7.2
    -- optional for floating window border decoration
    requires = {

Install using lazy.nvim:

-- nvim v0.8.0
return {
    lazy = true,
    cmd = {
    -- optional for floating window border decoration
    dependencies = {
    -- setting the keybinding for LazyGit with 'keys' is recommended in
    -- order to load the plugin when the command is run for the first time
    keys = {
        { "<leader>lg", "<cmd>LazyGit<cr>", desc = "LazyGit" }

Feel free to use any plugin manager. Just remember that if you are not using the latest neovim release, you will need to use the nvim-v0.4.3 branch. Integration with nvr works better on the main branch.

You can check what version of neovim you have:

nvim --version


The following are configuration options and their defaults.

let g:lazygit_floating_window_winblend = 0 " transparency of floating window
let g:lazygit_floating_window_scaling_factor = 0.9 " scaling factor for floating window
let g:lazygit_floating_window_border_chars = ['','', '', '', '','', '', ''] " customize lazygit popup window border characters
let g:lazygit_floating_window_use_plenary = 0 " use plenary.nvim to manage floating window if available
let g:lazygit_use_neovim_remote = 1 " fallback to 0 if neovim-remote is not installed

let g:lazygit_use_custom_config_file_path = 0 " config file path is evaluated if this value is 1
let g:lazygit_config_file_path = '' " custom config file path
" OR
let g:lazygit_config_file_path = [] " list of custom config file paths
vim.g.lazygit_floating_window_winblend = 0 -- transparency of floating window
vim.g.lazygit_floating_window_scaling_factor = 0.9 -- scaling factor for floating window
vim.g.lazygit_floating_window_border_chars = {'','', '', '', '','', '', ''} -- customize lazygit popup window border characters
vim.g.lazygit_floating_window_use_plenary = 0 -- use plenary.nvim to manage floating window if available
vim.g.lazygit_use_neovim_remote = 1 -- fallback to 0 if neovim-remote is not installed

vim.g.lazygit_use_custom_config_file_path = 0 -- config file path is evaluated if this value is 1
vim.g.lazygit_config_file_path = '' -- custom config file path
-- OR
vim.g.lazygit_config_file_path = {} -- table of custom config file paths

Call :LazyGit to start a floating window with lazygit in the current working directory. And set up a mapping to call :LazyGit:

" setup mapping to call :LazyGit
nnoremap <silent> <leader>gg :LazyGit<CR>

Call :LazyGitCurrentFile to start a floating window with lazygit in the project root of the current file.

Open the configuration file for lazygit directly from vim.


If the file does not exist it'll load the defaults for you.

Open project commits with lazygit directly from vim in floating window.


Open buffer commits with lazygit directly from vim in floating window.


Using neovim-remote

If you have neovim-remote and have configured to use it in neovim, it'll launch the commit editor inside your neovim instance when you use C inside lazygit.

  1. pip install neovim-remote

  2. Add the following to your ~/.bashrc:

if [ -n "$NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS" ]; then
    alias nvim=nvr -cc split --remote-wait +'set bufhidden=wipe'
  1. Set EDITOR environment variable in ~/.bashrc:
if [ -n "$NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS" ]; then
    export VISUAL="nvr -cc split --remote-wait +'set bufhidden=wipe'"
    export EDITOR="nvr -cc split --remote-wait +'set bufhidden=wipe'"
    export VISUAL="nvim"
    export EDITOR="nvim"
  1. Add the following to ~/.vimrc:
if has('nvim') && executable('nvr')
  let $GIT_EDITOR = "nvr -cc split --remote-wait +'set bufhidden=wipe'"

If you have neovim-remote and don't want lazygit.nvim to use it, you can disable it using the following configuration option:

let g:lazygit_use_neovim_remote = 0

Using nvim --listen and nvim --server to edit files in same process

You can use vanilla nvim server to edit files in the same nvim instance when you use e inside lazygit.

  1. You have to start nvim with the --listen parameter. An easy way to ensure this is to use an alias:
# ~/.bashrc
alias vim='nvim --listen /tmp/nvim-server.pipe'
  1. You have to modify lazygit to attempt connecting to existing nvim instance on edit:
# ~/.config/jesseduffield/lazygit/config.yml
  editCommand: 'nvim'
  editCommandTemplate: '{{editor}} --server /tmp/nvim-server.pipe --remote-tab "$(pwd)/{{filename}}"'

Telescope Plugin

The Telescope plugin is used to track all git repository visited in one nvim session.

Why a telescope Plugin ?

Assuming you have one or more submodule(s) in your project and you want to commit changes in both the submodule(s) and the main repo. Though switching between submodules and main repo is not straight forward. A solution at first could be:

  1. open a file inside the submodule
  2. open lazygit
  3. do commit
  4. then open a file in the main repo
  5. open lazygit
  6. do commit

That is really annoying. Instead, you can open it with telescope.

How to use

Install using packer.nvim:

-- nvim v0.7.2
    requires = {
    config = function()

Install using lazy.nvim:

-- nvim v0.8.0
    lazy = false,
    cmd = {
    -- optional for floating window border decoration
    dependencies = {
    config = function()

Lazy loading lazygit.nvim for telescope functionality is not supported. Open an issue if you wish to have this feature.

If you are not using Packer, to load the telescope extension, you have to add this line to your configuration:


By default the paths of each repo is stored only when lazygit is triggered. Though, this may not be convenient, so it possible to do something like this:

autocmd BufEnter * :lua require('lazygit.utils').project_root_dir()

That makes sure that any opened buffer which is contained in a git repo will be tracked.

Once you have loaded the extension, you can invoke the plugin using:

lua require("telescope").extensions.lazygit.lazygit()

Highlighting groups

Highlight Group Default Group Description
LazyGitFloat Normal Float terminal foreground and background
LazyGitBorder Normal Float terminal border