Introducing my final Ironhack project, Appointer Med! It is a full-stack javascript application using the MERN stack (react, mongoDB, express, and node). It was created in 9 days in the Ironhack Web Development bootcamp in 2019.
Check out the app here:
As you will notice, frankly the app is not the prettiest. This is because on day 5 of the 9-day project phase, my project partner became unexpectedly ill and had to drop the entire course. This meant that I suddenly had to implement an enormous project completely alone. So I triaged the project, deciding which essential features to keep and which to postpone. I prioritised based on which React/MERN stack features I thought would be most relevant in future jobs.
In the end, I wrote the entire back end and front end myself, and it works! The UI would benefit from some improved implementation of Material-UI, and the data would need to be encrypted and stored safely in order for users to trust the app in a real-world situation. But all the features and functionalities I included in the front and back end are functional! And I learned a ton about React-Context, MongoDB, writing APIs, and making the best of the unexpected.
So here it is, my ugly but precious baby. Enjoy!