Compiler for the Vyne programming language.
MOVED TO: with code at SEE README. ARMv7…
kou1okada / apt-cyg
Forked from transcode-open/apt-cygApt-cyg, an apt-get like tool for Cygwin
Syntax extension for embedded SQL queries using PG'OCaml.
A work-in-progress OCaml client for Sentry
Lexer and parser generators for Standard ML, OCaml, and Haskell.
OCaml Programming Patterns - random tricks, "design patterns", etc.
Diploma thesis "Concurrent Programming for Scalable Web Architectures" released under Creative Commons license
Sample ppx to demo making, testing, and packaging a simple ppx rewriter
Implements a dsl to price financial contracts, as described in link
Link to preprints for ICFP'17 and colocated events
A collection of awesome things regarding Reason/OCaml ecosystem.
Precise description and operational execution of exotic contracts.
Split a repository to read-only standalone repositories
Machine Learning meets ketosis: how to effectively lose weight
The core OCaml system: compilers, runtime system, base libraries
Various signed and unsigned integers for OCaml
The Hindley Milner Type Inference Algorithm
Library for finding the CRC of parts of various kinds of data in-place
A pragmatic, opinionated guide to adopting microservices.
OCaml Documentations as one-pagers, easy to keep useful commands in mind