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Mintacoin is a minimalist and open-source API that abstracts the blockchain complexity by providing a simple and reliable infrastructure layer to mint your crypto assets and process payments with them.

Reach the power of blockchain with just an API integration! 🪄

What can you do with Mintacoin?

Mintacoin will provide endpoints so you can:

  • Create accounts.
  • Create crypto assets.
  • Process payments.

Mintacoin operates on the Stellar blockchain, you only have to worry about two custom keys we'll give you: an address and a signature. 👌


The adoption of Web3 implies technical knowledge specific to each technology, ecosystem, or protocol. This results into:

  • High technical complexity.
  • Time and effort.
  • Slow time to market, therefore high development costs.

Mintacoin aims to solve these current Web3 issues!

Why Mintacoin?

Web3 needs additional infrastructure layers that facilitate the user experience (UX) in the use of blockchain technologies.

Mintacoin offers a simple and reliable infrastructure layer, so people can focus on their core business and not on the issues previously described. 🚀

What do we want to achieve?

  • Make straightforward the adoption of Web3 technologies for developers by proposing interaction with a REST API rather than a blockchain.

  • Reduce technical complexity, costs, and time to the market for solutions around crypto assets.


Mintacoin's documentation is available here:


To know the current status of the project, you can check Mintacoin's roadmap here: ROADMAP 🗺️

The current release for the project is the version v0.2.2.


Here we will show up the Mintacoin's setup for development purposes, follow the next steps:


  • Elixir <= v1.14
  • Erlang <= 24.3
  • PostgreSQL >= v14 (latest)

Setting up

  1. Install dependencies with mix deps.get.

  2. Mintacoin requires a development configuration file. Copy the example with the cp config/dev.exs.example config/dev.exs.

  3. Within the file dev.exs replace the following variables:

    • "STELLAR_FUND_SECRET_KEY": Is the secret key from a stellar account with funds, you can create and fund one here: Stellar Laboratory.
    • "BLOCKCHAINS_NETWORK": Is the place where the transactions has effect, for development purposes, place this value :testnet.
    • "API_TOKEN": Is the authorization token for the API requests, you can generate a secure token by running mix phx.gen.secret 32.
  4. Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.setup.

  5. Run the project in a terminal with iex -S mix and add the next record with Mintacoin.Blockchains.create(%{name: "stellar", network: "testnet"}).

  6. Finally, start the Phoenix server with mix phx.server or inside IEx with iex -S mix phx.server.

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.


Run the tests with mix test.


Features and bug fixes are listed in the CHANGELOG file.

Code of conduct

We welcome everyone to contribute. Make sure you have read the CODE_OF_CONDUCT before.


Thanks for your interest in contributing to Mintacoin, any contribution is greatly appreciated.

For more information on how to contribute, please refer to our CONTRIBUTING guide.

First time contributing? Check out these good first issues to get you started!


This library is licensed under an MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


Made with 💙 by kommitters Open Source


Minimalist API to run your crypto



Code of conduct

Security policy





No releases published


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  • Elixir 97.7%
  • Dockerfile 2.1%
  • Other 0.2%