Enhanced multi-account farming bot for GetGrass.io with proxy support and automatic proxy management.
⚠️ Desktop mode is still in Development. Please use Extension mode!
- Added Sessionpool
- Improved proxy handling and error recovery
- Optimized connection stability
- Increased ping interval to 60 seconds for better performance // you can change this in line 221 for main.py while line 220 for noremoveproxy_main.py
- Multi-Account Support
- Automatic Proxy Management & Rotation
- Smart Error Handling & Recovery
- Beautiful Console Output
- Wide Browser Support (Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari)
- Both Desktop & Mobile User Agents
- Failed Proxy Detection & Auto-Replacement
- GetGrass.io Account UserID (GetGrass Dashboard)
- Proxies
- Python 3.10 or Later
- Required packages:
- Login to GetGrass.io
- Press F12 to open Developer Console
- Type and enter:
allow pasting
- Then enter:
- Copy your UserID (without the quotes)
- If you get an error after pasting allow pasting try type it and then enter and just go to step number 4
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/kelliark/getgrass.git cd getgrass
Create and activate a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv venv venv\Scripts\activate
Install packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
with your user IDs:userId1 userId2 userId3
- First option
python main.py
- Second option
python noremoveproxy_main.py
// as it name suggest, the first one is gonna remove dead proxies while the second one don't
The script will:
- Automatically manage and rotate proxies
- Move failed proxies to
- Assign new working proxies as needed
- Automatically detect how many proxies and will divide all the proxies for all the accounts.
- You can run this bot at your own risk, I'm not responsible for any loss or damage caused by this bot.
- This bot is for educational purposes only.
Special thanks to:
- im-hanzou - For the inspiration and original concept
- cmalf - For inspiration and contributions to the project
This project builds upon their work to create an enhanced multi-account farming solution for GetGrass.io.