Customize your country text field for Jetpack Compose
This repository was developed using .NET 7.0 API technology based on findings listed in the OWASP 2019 API Security Top 10.
Restring is a android library to replace string resources dynamically
Create stories with just single-line code written in SwiftUI
A simplified version of Service Locator for Android Project.
This is a music player app built using Compose Multiplatform UI and KMP that works on Android, iOS, Desktop, and Web platforms.
📱 WhatsApp clone project demonstrates modern Android development built with Jetpack Compose and Stream Chat/Video SDK for Compose.
This tool basically decompress APK with using Jadx then read files extension which is supported then try to find secret data and show them.
MVVM architecture design with Protocol Oriented Programming and SnapKit async/await
🎈 Modernized and sophisticated tooltips, fully customizable with an arrow and animations for Android.
Late Night Muhabbetleri, Mimari Seri'de geliştirdiğimiz uygulama.
Android boilerplate app that showcases architecture and libraries used at adesso Turkey
Official Jetpack Compose samples.
Kotlin, MVVM, Navigation Component, Hilt, Jetpack Compose, Retrofit2
Compile-time dependency injection for Dart and Flutter
Implemented by Clean Architecture, MVVM, Koin, Coroutines, Moshi, Mockk, LiveData & DataBinding
WebRTC plugin for Flutter Mobile/Desktop/Web
ReadingIsGood is an online books retail firm which operates only on internet.
Learning Project (Movie App) For Applying Android Architecture Components And Clean Architecture Using MVVM With Kotlin
Playground for learning Jetpack Compose
An example of structuring MVVM with State and Navigation component