Pure Ruby HTTP client using net/http. A simple wrapper to cover routine things.
Just add the single Ruby file to your directory and:
require_relative './neko-http'
For basic use, class methods are handy. For example:
# GET request with query
Neko::HTTP.get('http://example.com/search', {q: 'keyword'})
# POST request with form URL encoded body
params = {data: '8586568332BCF3AB042B7015'}
Neko::HTTP.post_form('http://example.com/search', params)
# POST request with JSON body and additional headers
params = {name: {first: 'Ken', alias: 'KJ'}}
headers = {'Authorization' => ['Bearer 12CDEF78']}
Neko::HTTP.post_form('http://example.com/search', params, headers)
Returns some data obtained from Net::HTTPResponse object in a hash.
code: res.code.to_i,
headers: res.to_hash,
body: res.body,
message: res.msg
For more tailored use, or to call on other HTTP methods, create an instance and use its methods.
neko = Neko::HTTP.new('https://httpbin.org')
# Some of the available methods