Dockerfile used to build a wallabag docker image. This should run on a raspberry pi2 (armv7l)
ID=$(sudo docker run -p 8080:80 -d kenntwasde/raspi-docker-wallabag:latest /sbin/my_init)
or Run it in Foreground (for testing) as wallabagtest
sudo docker run -p 8080:80 --rm --name wallabagtest kenntwasde/raspi-docker-wallabag:latest /sbin/my_init
Then head your browser to http://localhost:8080 and enjoy a fresh wallabag install. When you're finished, just stop the docker container:
sudo docker stop $ID
Check the phusion/baseimage documentation for all kind of options and switches.
The wallabag-docker script enable persistance of the database outside of the container. Modify the DBPATH variable at will, but keep an absolute path in order to things to work properly.
Usage: wallabag-docker {start|stop|status}
The default login credentials associated with the database are: wallabag
You can specify a --env WALLABAG_SALT=<insert salt value here>
in the docker run command in order to fix the salt value in the wallabag config file on container startup.
sudo docker run -p 8080:80 -d --env WALLABAG_SALT=34gAogagAigJaurgbqfdvqQergvqer kenntwasde/raspi-docker-wallabag:latest /sbin/my_init
Please refer to the Phusion documentation to fetch the insecure-key used by default on the container started by the script.
The same script enable to "mount" a specific source directory instead of the one from the container. Just uncomment le SOURCEPATH line, and set it to the absolut path of the wallabag source directory you want to use.
sudo docker build -t raspi-docker-wallabag .
or sudo docker build -t raspi-docker-wallabag --rm --no-cache .
wallabag is an opensource project created by @nicosomb
This docker image is build upon the baseimage made by phusion.