Execute Python scripts inside your Laravel Application.
composer require robertogallea/laravel-python
To edit the default package configuration, publish the config resource with the command
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="robertogallea\LaravelPython\ServiceProvider" --tag=config
then edit config/laravel-python.php
You can run commands in several ways:
- Instantiating
use robertogallea\LaravelPython\Services\LaravelPython;
$service = new LaravelPython();
$result = $service->run('/path/to/script.py'):
$parameters = array('par1', 'par2'):
$result = $service->run('/path/to/script.py', $parameters):
- Injecting from the ServiceContainer
use robertogallea\LaravelPython\Services\LaravelPython;
public function __construct(LaravelPython $service)
$result = $service->run('/path/to/script.py')
$parameters = array('par1', 'par2'):
$result = $service->run('/path/to/script.py', $parameters):
- Using the
$result = \Python::run('/path/to/script.py')
$parameters = array('par1', 'par2'):
$result = \Python::run('/path/to/script.py', $parameters):
- Via command line with an artisan command
php artisan python:run /path/to/script.py "Some parameter"
Note that you can use an arbitrary number of parameters
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If you have a question, check the closed issues first. Over time, I've been able to answer quite a few.
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