This is a boilerplate project using NextJS13 to demonstrate Web3 wallet connection on Cronos and basic interaction with the Cronos blockchain.
Requirement: Node 18+
This project was created with npx create-next-app@latest
Project creation:
- Use Typescript with NextJS 13 app.
- Use ESLint.
- We will not be using the src directory
- We will definitely use the App Router with NextJS 13
- Change the import alias to @
Configure port in package.json
"scripts": {
"dev": "next dev -p 3000"
Then, install and configure:
- Chakra UI
- Zustand for state management
- [Ethers.js] ( Here we are using v5 (5.7.2), as V6 is introducing some breaking changes that are not yet fully supported by all libraries.
- Web3 Wallet
- TypeChain TypeScript bindings for your smart contracts
Web3 Wallet is an open-source wrapper developed especially to simplify the workflow of Cronos app developers, but it also supports other EVM compatible networks.
Then, create or update the /app directory.
See .env.example
npm install
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
To use from another device with ngrok (installed with Homebrew):
ngrok http 3000
The Cronos blockchain is supported by DeFi Wallet, Rabby, MetaMask, Trust Wallet and a number of other wallets such as those listed here.
In order to facilitate the use of these wallets by Cronos dapp developers, we recommend the use of Web3-Wallet, a npm library used by several major Cronos dapps.
This repository uses Cronos mainnet, and demonstrates the use of Web3-Wallet with a NextJS 13 application:
- The
serve as configuration files - If you need to read data from the blockchain, you also need to enter a blockchain URL which is going to support your rate of requests in the .env file, under
. - The
demonstrates how the app manages the user's connection to their preferred wallet using a basic Modal interface (in this example, DeFi Wallet, Rabby / MetaMask, Trust Wallet, and Wallet Connect). - The
demonstrates how to read information from the Cronos blockchain, such as the latest block number and the crypto asset balance of a user. - The
demonstrates how to send a transaction to the Cronos blockchain (there are two examples: "send 1 CRO to myself" and "send 1 USDC to myself").
- Add your smart contract ABI to
. - Run
npm run typechain
to generate all the typescript bindings for your smart contract. - Check
for how to create a contract object and interact with your smart contract through the contract object.
At present, this demo is configured to work with Cronos Mainnet and Cronos Testnet. However, if you need to set up an additional EVM compatible chain, you may proceed with the following steps.
Let's say you want to add myChain to your dApp:
- Update
interface ProcessEnv {
readonly NEXT_PUBLIC_MY_CHAIN_RPC_URL: string;
| "cronosMainnet"
| "cronosTestnet"
| "myChain";
Update the
env variable in./.env
. -
Add your chain configuration in
export enum ChainId {
CronosMainnet = 25,
CronosTestnet = 338,
MyChain = ???
export const chainConfigs: ChainConfig[] = [
chainId: ChainId.MyChain,
chainName: "My Chain",
rpcUrls: [process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_MY_CHAIN_RPC_URL],
The ./app/api
and ./app/protected
routes are unused at the moment, could be used in a future version of this repository which demonstrates login via message signing.
Refer to this Web3 + NextJS tutorial for some other pointers
Thank you @logan272 for feedback and commits.