A demo application for an IVR based social network.
- yarn
it's nicer than npm
- firebase cli tools
npm install -g firebase-tools
- localtunnel
npm install -g lt
- gulp (for admin tools)
npm install -g gulp
#Login to your firebase account
firebase login
#List your projects, and check for a the tz-phone-book project:
#If you can't see an entry called 'tz-phone-book', contact Lewis to get you access
firebase list
#Install node modules
cd functions
#First, we run localtunnel to expose our local webserver publicly:
#then, in a separate terminal session, run:
#This runs the firebase functions in a firebase emulation mode.
[todo: talk about node version issues] [todo: talk about base url stuff]
- Start by ensuring you have the correct environment variables setup:
You need a .env.sh
file in ./env
, which contains the following:
#Put private env vars here.
export TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID='<insert_me>'
export TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN='<insert_me>'
and the BASE_URL entry in env.sh
should point to the firebase endpoint:
export BASE_URL="https://us-central1-tz-phone-book.cloudfunctions.net"
- Run the deployment script.
This script sets the environment variables we set up earlier, and then deploys the firebase functions
- Now we just need to point our Twilio number to our deployment.
Log into Twilio > Programmable Voice > Numbers > Manage Numbers > Select a Number > Under 'Voice & Fax' > 'A Call Comes In', set to the entrypoint url for the firebase function
The bot content is deployed separately from the above endpoints. This means we can dynamically change content without having to perform an entire deployment
cd functions/src/admin
gulp deploy_config
gulp deploy_audio
Creates a new message, and saves to cloud store
"audioUrl": "string", //the url to the twilio recording
"phone": "string" //international format
"id":"string" //the id of the saved message in firestore
For example:
curl -X POST \
http://localhost:5000/tz-phone-book/us-central1/message \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"audioUrl": "https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/ACc628835716a7f404b36a44114e05719b/Recordings/RE33899fd6eaaf8506f41b3a586599253d.mp3",
Gets the 5 most recent messages, in descending date order
note: the root json object must be a JSON dict in order for twilio to parse it correctly
"createdAt": "string", //ISO Format date
"audioUrl": "string",
For example:
curl http://localhost:5000/tz-phone-book/us-central1/message \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
- Block: A block is a collection of commands which get converted to TwiML
- Message: A message is a 'say' or 'play' containing either text to be said, or a url pointing to an audio file to be played
- Flow: A flow describes the relationship between different blocks
Example url for ngrok: http://4e27e9ad.ngrok.io/tz-phone-book/us-central1/benchmark/entrypoint
Example request for localtunnel:
curl -X POST "https://lwilld3.localtunnel.me/tz-phone-book/us-central1/twiml/entrypoint"
Benchmark url for Firebase deployment https://us-central1-tz-phone-book.cloudfunctions.net/twiml/entrypoint
ffmpeg benchmark_test_3.mp3 -i benchmark_test_3.m4a -codec:a libmp3lame -qscale:a 1
curl -X POST \
https://lwilld3.localtunnel.me/tz-phone-book/us-central1/twiml/intro_0 \
-H 'Postman-Token: d1ec563e-975d-4860-bc54-a4cdf8c5a45c' \
-d '{
curl -X POST \
'https://us-central1-tz-phone-book-dev.cloudfunctions.net/twiml/triggerCall?temporaryInsecureAuthKey=<redacted>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \c
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-d '{
"mobile": "<redacted>",
"url": "https://us-central1-tz-phone-book-dev.cloudfunctions.net/twiml/senegalNotification/entrypoint?versionOverride=en_au"
curl -X POST $URL -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "mobile": ""$NO_1"", "url": "$CALL_URL"}'
http://localhost:5000/tz-phone-book-dev/us-central1/dialogflow-dialogflowFirebaseFulfillment https://lwilld3.localtunnel.me/tz-phone-book-dev/us-central1/dialogflow-dialogflowFirebaseFulfillment https://us-central1-tz-phone-book-dev.cloudfunctions.net/dialogflow-dialogflowFirebaseFulfillment
https://lwilld3.localtunnel.me/tz-phone-book-dev/us-central1/twiml/uncdfBot/tripSummaryStruggleCapture/responses https://lwilld3.localtunnel.me/tz-phone-book-dev/us-central1/twiml/uncdfBot/conclusionOneThingCapture/responses
https://us-central1-tz-phone-book-dev.cloudfunctions.net/twiml/uncdfBot/shareQuestionCapture/responses https://us-central1-tz-phone-book-dev.cloudfunctions.net/twiml/uncdfBot/improveNotificationMessageCapture/responses https://us-central1-tz-phone-book-dev.cloudfunctions.net//twiml/uncdfBot/tripSummaryStruggleCapture/responses https://us-central1-tz-phone-book-dev.cloudfunctions.net/twiml/uncdfBot/conclusionOneThingCapture/responses
https://lwilld3.localtunnel.me/tz-phone-book-dev/us-central1/twiml/uncdfBot/responses https://us-central1-tz-phone-book-dev.cloudfunctions.net/twiml/uncdfBot/responses
https://lwilld3.localtunnel.me/tz-phone-book-dev/us-central1/admin/triggerCallFromRelay https://us-central1-tz-phone-book-dev.cloudfunctions.net/admin/triggerCallFromRelay
- login to app
resources > Find more add ons
select Postres add on > Add to project