A single page application designed to demonstrate a few toy langauges.
- Micro-scheme from Concrete Abstractions by Max Hairpelin
- Dream Language from The Schematics of Computation by Vincent Manis
- Nightmare Langauge from The Schematics of Computation
The app is now live at http://kesava.github.io/toy-languages
- Write code
lein figwheel dev
Browse to http://localhost:3449.
- Build code
lein clean
lein cljsbuild once min
- Commit code
git add resources
git commit -m
- Ship it
git subtree push --prefix resources/public/ origin gh-pages
Your app is now live at http://*your-gh-username*.github.io/*repository-name*
;; compile sass once
lein sass
;; compile sass and watch for changes
lein sass watch