- Stockholm, Sweden
io.js Public
Forked from nodejs/nodeFuture Node.js releases will be based on io.js
hash-of-directory Public
Compile hash of a directory (and it's content)
download-tarball Public
Download a tarball (optionally gzipped) to a folder & extract it in the process
sort-json Public
Takes a json-file and return a copy of the same file, but sorted
napi-rs Public
Forked from napi-rs/napi-rsA framework for building compiled Node.js add-ons in Rust via Node-API
node-snappy-stream Public
Compress data over a Stream using the snappy framing format
node_redis Public
Forked from redis/node-redisredis client for node
download-package-tarball Public
Download a node package as a tarball, for example from github or npm
download-npm-package Public
Download a module from the npm registry.
node-snappy Public archive
DEPRECATED - please use https://github.com/Brooooooklyn/snappy. Nodejs bindings to Google's Snappy compression library
moltenc.dev Public
Forked from iefserge/moltenc.devSource code for the Molten-C project website
node-abi Public
Forked from electron/node-abiπ’ π Get the Node.js and Electron ABI for a given target and runtime
kuchiki Public
Forked from kuchiki-rs/kuchiki(ζ½ζ¨) HTML/XML tree manipulation library for Rust
cargo-watch Public
Forked from watchexec/cargo-watchππ’ Watches over your Cargo project's source
material-components-web-react Public
Forked from material-components/material-components-web-reactMaterial Components for React (MDC React)
type-fest Public
Forked from sindresorhus/type-festA collection of essential TypeScript types
apm-agent-nodejs Public
Forked from elastic/apm-agent-nodejsElastic APM Node.js Agent
flexlock Public
Forked from martinheidegger/flexlockA memory-efficient, in-memory, flexible, Promise-based locking library without dependencies.
sql-template-tag Public
Forked from blakeembrey/sql-template-tagES2015 tagged template string for preparing SQL statements, works with `pg` and `mysql`