An RPC framework built on GraphQL, designed for optimized server-to-server interactions.
GraphQL is great, but isn't ideal for server-to-server communication. GraphQL RPC is a framework that aims to make optimized backend services using GraphQL.
- Supports binary request / response format for significantly smaller payloads, so requests and responses send much faster.
- Pluggable transport layer, so your services can support transports other than HTTP.
- Provides JSON capability, so your services don't need to use the binary format. This also allows you to develop and interact with your services with existing tooling.
- Automatic request clients using GraphQL Introspection, so you don't need to pre-build clients to get the benefits of binary encoding. As server capabilities change, you don't need to distribute new clients.
- Smaller response payload than other RPC implementations by using GraphQL field selection. Only the data you need is sent in the response.