A collection of homeworks of market microstructure models.
Algorithms and data structures for review for coding interview.
Elements of Programming Interviews In Python
the resources I use to learn computer science in my spare time
Class repository for GR5069 - Applied Data Science for Social Scientists (Spring 2022)
Bayesian Analysis with Python (Second Edition)
Python code (in the form of Jupyter ipython notebooks) to support the book "Math and Architectures of Deep Learning" (Krishnendu Chaudhury with Ananya Ashok, Sujay Narumanchi, Devashish Shankar).
Python Deep Dive Course - Accompanying Materials
Info on resources for studying math, stats, CS, etc.
Material of Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 7th ed. (By J.F. Kurose and K.W. Ross)
Discussion and and code examples for the book Hands-on Scala Programming
Labs for the Designing Distributed Systems book.
System design patterns for machine learning
A curated list of awesome open source libraries to deploy, monitor, version and scale your machine learning
Companion repository for the book Building Machine Learning Powered Applications
30 Seconds of C++ (STL in C++). Read More about 30C++ here 👉
Notes of MITx 6.86x - Machine Learning with Python: from Linear Models to Deep Learning
Code for the book Deep Learning with PyTorch by Eli Stevens, Luca Antiga, and Thomas Viehmann.
Projects and exercises for the latest Deep Learning ND program
Solutions of Reinforcement Learning, An Introduction
DL course co-developed by YSDA, HSE and Skoltech
Fast Differentiable Sorting and Ranking
Python API and command line interface for the machine learning competition
Learn OpenCV : C++ and Python Examples